Browsing By Tag "sympathize"
On Vegetarianism First printed in the HUMANE REVIEW, January, 1901 MEN of such high standing in hygiene and biology having made a profound study of questions relating to normal food, I shall take good care not to display my incompetence by expressing an opinion as to animal and vegetable nourishment. Let the cobbler stick to his last. As I am neither chemist nor doctor, I shall not mention either azote or albumen, nor reproduce the formulas of analysts, but shall content myself simply with giving my own personal impressions, which, at all events, coincide with those of many vegetarians. I shall move within the circle of my own experiences, stopping here and there to set down some observation suggested by the petty incidents of life. First o... (From : Anarchy Archives.)
Although we heartily sympathize with our comrades of the Socialist League, Social Democratic Federation, Fabian Society, and all other associations engaged in Socialist propaganda, we by Do means consider all the theories they advance or the methods they advocate beyond question. Probably some of our readers share this view and hold with us that friendly criticism and discussion is a wonderful help in clearing up difficulties, and may aid us all to pierce through the mere formulas of our party into the essence of Socialism. We shall therefore gladly welcome any communication criticizing or commenting upon Socialist speeches and lectures. We propose to publish such communications month by month under the above heading. The following has been... (From : AnarchyArchives.)