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(1858 - 1942) ~ French Freethinker, Secularist, and Proponent of Synthesis Anarchism : In 1927 he led a secession from the national Union Anarchiste, and in 1928 he helped to found the Association des Federalistes Anarchistes and to begin its paper, La Voix Libertaire (Libertarian Voice), which lasted from 1928 until 1939. He was reconciled with the national organization and Le Libertaire in 1934. (From : "Raven," Freedom Press.)
• "This is why I make war on war; this is why, worker for life and not for death, I am an internationalist and call for the dismissal of armies and preach universal peace." (From : "Libertarian Communism," by Sebastien Faure, 1903.)
• "Patriotism is the new dogma. On the ruins of the old Credos that are collapsing, it is the new faith; necessary to the masters so they can preserve the chains they've forged for the slaves." (From : "Libertarian Communism," by Sebastien Faure, 1903.)
• "Love is, by its very nature subject to whims; it's capricious, electric. It is madness to want to submit it to fixed rules applicable to all. Philosophically, liberty is the sole regime to which it can adapt itself." (From : "Libertarian Communism," by Sebastien Faure, 1903.)


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