Browsing Untitled By Tag : laws of reason

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2. -- Subversive effects of competition, and the destruction of liberty thereby. The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, says the Gospel, and the violent take it by force. These words are the allegory of society. In society regulated by labor, dignity, wealth, and glory are objects of competition; they are the reward of the strong, and competition may be defined as the regime of force. The old economists did not at first perceive this contradiction: the moderns have been forced to recognize it. "To elevate a State from the lowest degree of barbarism to the highest degree of opulence," wrote A. Smith, "but three things are necessary, -- peace, moderate taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice. All the rest is brought about by the natural course of things." On which the last translator of Smith, M. Blanqui, lets fall this gloomy comment: We have seen the natural course of things produce disast...


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