People : Persons and Individuals Involved with the Revolution

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Want to know about the people who are responsible for making social change throughout history? Then you're looking in the right place.

By learning about those who fought against injustice in the past, we can learn more about ourselves. The teacher of history has many lessons about overcoming our weaknesses and tempering our strengths.

This archive contains 475 texts, with 116,863 words or 760,234 characters.

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Burn Shit : Radical, Anti-Bureaucrat, Anti-Authoritarian, British Strike Movement Organizer
• "Good luck to the millions of strikers out tomorrow, but to hell with the union bureaucrats and the labour aristocracy." (From :

Chekov Feeney : Anarchist Irish Historian, Anthropologist, Computer Scientist, Author
Scientist with an interest in computation, complex systems, control theory, archaeology, anthropology, history, politics, mathematics and, of course, rude jokes... (From :

Christopher Day : Revolutionary Anarchist, Historian, Thinker, Visionary, Enlightener

Christopher Z. Hobson : Anarchist Activist of the Revolutionary Socialist League and Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation
Christopher Z. Hobson was a supporter of the Revolutionary Socialist League and Love and Rage Revolutionary Anarchist Federation. He teaches at State University of New York, College at Old Westbury. This article is an abridged version of his essay ‘Anarchism and William Blake’s Idea of Jesus’ from The Utopian vol. 1 . For more information please visit the website: (Source: (From :

Collective Action : Revolutionary Anarchist Group Based in So-Called Melbourne, Australia
Collective Action is a revolutionary anarchist group based in so-called Melbourne, Australia. The following points of agreement are neither complete nor final. They represent, at best, where our group was at the time they were adopted. Statement of Principles Adopted 4 November 2013 1. As anarchists we fight to create a self-managed, socialist and stateless society, in which all contribute freely according to ability, and through which all have full access to the material basis for pursing their individual and collective fulfilment. In this libertarian socialist society, individual freedom is harmonised with communal obligations through cooperation, directly democratic decision making and social and economic equality. We believe such a society is both desirable and possible, and we actively work toward overcoming the hierarchies, exploitation and systems of oppression that stand in its way. 2. To confront oppression in all its forms, the sel... (From :

Blasts from the Past

David Berry is senior lecturer in History at Loughborough University. He has published widely on the history of the anarchist movement in France and in particular on the thought of Daniel Guérin. He is the author of A History of the French Anarchist Movement, 1917–1945 and coeditor with Constance Bantman of New Perspectives on Anarchism, Labor and Syndicalism: The Individual, the National and the Transnational. (From :

Interests: Marxism, Radical Feminism, Continental Philosophy... (From :

I Never Forget a Face


I've Heard It Said...

Let Me Tell You About a Friend of Mine


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