About Massimo Passamani
TRENTO. Defensive petitions accepted in Trento for the two anarchists arrested last August 27 on charges of subversive association. For Massimo Passamani, 40, who was in prison, house arrest in his Rovereto began today. He had been imprisoned first in Tolmezzo (Udine), then in Alessandria. Daniela Battisti, 35, under house arrest since her arrest, is free. For them the prosecutor had opened a file for association with the purpose of terrorism and subversion. The requests presented on Friday by their lawyers, Giampiero Mattei and Andrea de Bertolini, which pointed to the lack of need for precautionary requirements, were accepted today with an order of the investigating judge Carlo Ancona, who reiterated the accusation of subversive association.
A favorable opinion was also given by the Public Prosecutor for the acceptance of the defensive requests to alleviate the precautionary measures, due to the fact that what is defined as an association did not implement particular forms of conflict in this period. This is explained by the same Prosecutor of the Republic of Trento, Giuseppe Amato, who follows the file with the deputy prosecutor Davide Ognibene. An opinion that, however, would have required the obligation of presentation to the judicial police for Battisti.
The wait is now for the date of the preliminary hearing, since the notice of conclusion of the investigations, for a total of eight suspects, had already arrived before the end of September, again on the charge of association with the purpose of terrorism and subversion.
From : giornaletrentino.it
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