Anthony J. Nocella II

Entry 7724


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Untitled People Anthony J. Nocella II

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About Anthony J. Nocella II

Anthony J. Nocella II, Ph.D., award-winning author and educator, is an Executive Director of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies, National Co-coordinator of Save the Kids, and co-founder and Editor of the Peace Studies Journal and Transformative Justice Journal.

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Ruth Kinna Economics was once called the dismal science and is still often associated with dry, technical argument and the modeling of preferences based on assumptions of perfect knowledge and rational calculation. The language of economics—investment, fiscal stimuli, growth, productive efficiency, bull and bear markets—is quite familiar. And the practical implications of these terms are all too predictable and easily understood, particularly during periods of recession. But to many the content of the subject remains mysteriously abstract and its scope seems narrowly focused. The study of economics is too often limited to the analysis of capitalist markets, the murky dealings of international finance or, as the recent and... (From:
SECTION I. Anarchism & Education: Learning from Historical Experimentations DIALOGUE 1 (On a desert island, between friends) Alejandro de Acosta A: Even in the strangeness of our isolation, you want to discuss something you call anarchist pedagogy? Haven’t we been circling around this topic for some time now? Well, if I understand your expression, it is already underway. B: Yes, it has been underway for centuries. A: And yet, here in our isolation, we feel the need to talk it over again. What’s more, if I know you, you will want to narrate a myth of origin … B: Remember, always, that it is just that, a myth, a story. A: So maybe I am the one who is inclined to... (From:

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