Untitled >> Anarchism >> The 1905 Proceedings of the Founding Convention of the Industrial Workers of the World

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Appendix, Part 1
RATIFICATION MEETING Appendix, Part I INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD, CHICAGO, JULY 7. Speeches Delivered by: THOMAS J. HAGERTY, THOS. POWERS, WM. D. HAYWOOD, CHAS. O. SHERMAN, WILLIAM E. TRAUTMAN, PAT O’NEIL MISS LUELLA TWINING, Presiding. A meeting to ratify the work of the Chicago convention in forming the Industrial Workers of the World, was held at Brand’s Hall, in that city, on Friday evening, July 7, at 8 o’clock. The hall was completely filled, and many people were compelled to stand throughout the meeting. The greatest enthusiasm was manifested as the different speakers explained the purposes of the organization. Miss Luella Twining, of Pueblo, Colorado, representing the American Federal Union, presided and introduced the speakers. In opening the meeting Miss Twining made the following speech: Fellow workers:—We have come to celebrate and ratify the organ... (From : TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)

Day 11, Morning Session : Saturday, July 8
CONVENTION Industrial Workers of the World ELEVENTH DAY Saturday, July 8 MORNING SESSION Owing to the slowness of the delegates in gathering, the convention was not called to order until shortly before nine o’clock A. M. The minutes not being present at the opening, the reading of the minutes of the previous day’s proceedings was postponed. On motion the roll call of delegates was dispensed with. Communications were called for, but there were none to be brought before the convention. The Credential Committee announced that it had no further report to make. Special committees were called for. DEL. WHITE: Under the head of special committees, I will say that we are $5 short on the expenses of the meeting last night. The meeting altogether cost $20. We only succeeded in raising $15, and $5 has got to be made up here. DEL. JOHNSON: I suggest that the same committee that took u... (From : Marxists.org.)

Day 10, Afternoon Session : Friday, July 7
CONVENTION Industrial Workers of the World TENTH DAY Friday, July 7 AFTERNOON SESSION The convention reconvened at 1.20 P. M. THE CHAIRMAN: When the convention adjourned it was under the head of new business. There being no further new business, we will take up the reports of committees. AUDITING COMMITTEE. DEL. SAUNDERS: As a member of the Auditing Committee I beg leave to submit the report of that Auditing Committee, if there is no objection. Mr. Chairman and Fellow Delegates, your Auditing Committee wish to say that we have gone over the books thoroughly and taken a great deal of time; not only going over the books, but we might say that we have gone over them two or three times in order that there should be no mistake; that there would be no mistake on either side; and we find that not only have the books come out correct, but in going over the books we find that a great deal of work has been done&mda... (From : Marxists.org.)

Day 10, Morning Session : Friday, July 7
CONVENTION Industrial Workers of the World TENTH DAY Friday, July 7 MORNING SESSION Chairman Haywood called the convention to order at 9.30 A. M. On motion the roll call was dispensed with. The minutes of the previous day were read by the Secretary. DEL. CLARENCE SMITH: The minutes referred to the motion made by me yesterday that the monthly dues shall be not less than fifty cents per month, but it does not state that that was the motion, nor does it state that the motion was withdrawn upon the distinct understanding with the Constitution Committee that the constitution meant that the dues should not be less than fifty cents per month, but could he more than fifty cents per month. I would request the Secretary to have the minutes read in that way. THE CHAIRMAN: Will the delegate kindly address the Secretary and make that correction? If there is no other correction— A DELEGATE: There is... (From : Marxists.org.)

Day 9, Afternoon Session : Thursday, July 6
CONVENTION Industrial Workers of the World NINTH DAY Thursday, July 6 AFTERNOON SESSION The convention was called to order by Chairman Haywood at 1.25 P.M. THE CHAIRMAN: When the convention adjourned we had just disposed of the motion to refer. The motion now occurs on the adoption of Section 2 of Article I of the constitution as recommended by the committee. Secretary Trautmann: I would ask, in order to eliminate too much discussion, the consent of the Constitution Committee to insert in their report on Section 2 the following clause: “Shall consist of thirteen industrial divisions subdivided into industrial unions of closely connected industries in the appropriate organizations for representation in the departmental administration.” DEL. BRADLEY: Do you make that as a motion? SECRETARY TRAUTMANN: Yes, sir. DEL. BRADLEY: I will second that motion. THE CHAIRMAN: You have h... (From : Marxists.org.)

Blasts from the Past

Thursday, July 6
CONVENTION Industrial Workers of the World NINTH DAY Thursday, July 6 MORNING SESSION Chairman Haywood called the convention to order at nine o’clock. THE CHAIRMAN: While we are waiting for the Secretary the Chair will announce the committee selected to fill vacancies on the Ratification Committee: M. E. White, Lynch, Starkenberg and Mrs. Forberg. On motion the roll call of delegates was dispensed with. The Secretary read the minutes of the previous day, and they were approved. A communication was read from Local Union No. 9, Brewery Workers; Milwaukee, contributing $25 toward the stenographic report. The Credential Committee and special committees had no reports to make. REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTION. THE CHAIRMAN: Under the he... (From : Marxists.org.)

Wednesday, June 28
CONVENTION Industrial Workers of the World SECOND DAY Wednesday, June 28 AFTERNOON SESSION The convention was called to order at 2 M. THE CHAIRMAN: When the convention adjourned the status of delegates was under discussion. Delegate Hagerty has the floor. DEL. T. J. HAGERTY: I wish to call the attention of those who have been discussing this question of representation to the paragraph in the call for this convention which sets forth in ummistakable terms the conditions upon which representation in this gathering is to be based, to wit: “Representation in the convention shall be based upon the number of workers whom the delegate represents. No delegate, however, shall be given representation in the convention on the numerical basis of ... (From : Marxists.org.)

It is, we think, with pardonable pride, that we present this book to the reader—pride, not only in our share of the work of producing the book, which the elaborate index renders all the more useful, but pride in the zeal of all those who have helped us preserve to the Labor Movement of the world a great historic document, the importance of which will grow by the day. But, greater by far, is our joy, that at last there has been organized a great class conscious economic organization of the Working Class. In the years to come, the student of economics and sociology will find the record of the first convention of the Industrial Workers of the World a landmark, from which to date the great forward movement of the Labor Movement in America... (From : Marxists.org.)

Wednesday, July 5
CONVENTION Industrial Workers of the World EIGHTH DAY Wednesday, July 5 MORNING SESSION The convention was called to order at 9.20 by Chairman Haywood. The roll of delegates was called by the Secretary. The Secretary read the minutes of the previous day’s sessions. CHAIRMAN: You have heard the reading of the minutes. Are there any corrections? I would ask that the Secretary insert the correct number where the vote on the roll call occurs. THE SECRETARY: The number was 47,728 against the amendment; 3,540 for the amendment. The minutes were then approved. Communication. The following communication was received from the Socialist Labor Party at Pittsburg, Pa., and on motion it was placed on file: Pittsburg, Pa., July 4. The Industrial Un... (From : Marxists.org.)

Saturday, July 1
CONVENTION Industrial Workers of the World FIFTH DAY Saturday, July 1 MORNING SESSION Chairman Haywood called the convention to order at nine o’clock. On motion the calling of the roll of delegates was dispensed with. Secretary Trautmann read the minutes of the previous session, and there being no corrections, the minutes were declared approved as read. COMMUNICATION The Secretary read the following telegram from Cleveland, Ohio, and it was ordered placed on file. Cleveland, Ohio, June 30. Industrial Union Convention, Brand’s Hall, cor. Clark and Erie streets, Chicago. Fraternal greetings. May the proceedings of your convention realize the hopes of all class-conscious workingmen. SOCIALISTISCHE ARBEITER ZEITUNG, German Organ of ... (From : Marxists.org.)

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