Obituary: Alan MacSimoin, 1957-2018

By Anarchist Communist Group

Entry 4835


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


Untitled Anarchism Obituary: Alan MacSimoin, 1957-2018

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We are a revolutionary anarchist communist organization made up of local groups and individuals who seek a complete transformation of society, and the creation of anarchist communism. This will mean the working class overthrowing capitalism, abolishing the State, getting rid of exploitation, hierarchies and oppressions, and halting the destruction of the environment. To contribute to the building of a revolutionary anarchist movement we believe it is important to be organized. We are committed to building an effective national and international organization that has a collective identity and works towards the common goal of anarchist communism, whilst at the same time working together with other working class organizations and in grass roots campaigns. We do not see ourselves as the leaders of a revolutionary movement but part of a wider movement for revolutionary change. In addition, we strive to base all our current actions on the principles that will be the basis of the... (From:

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Obituary: Alan MacSimoin, 1957-2018

Anarchist Communist Group members are saddened to hear about the death of veteran Irish anarchist, Alan MacSimoin.

Alan started his political life with Official Sinn Fein’s youth organization when still at school but broke with republicanism and went on to help set up Dublin Anarchist Group in 1978. Later he was involved in setting up the Anarchist Workers Alliance and later still he was a founder member of the Workers Solidarity Movement. Although Alan parted company with the WSM more recently, he nevertheless continued to be active politically until his death. Alan was on the platformist wing of the libertarian movement.

A number of ACG members have had comradely dealings with Alan over the decades. One ACG member says:

I am shocked and saddened to hear of the news of the death of Alan MacSimoin. In the 1970s as national secretary of the Anarchist Workers Association I corresponded with a young man in an Irish Republican youth organization who had started considering anarchist ideas. This was Alan and he went on to working with us to setting up an anarchist organization in the Republic. This eventually became the Workers Solidarity Movement. Alan parted with the WSM some years ago but he remained an active anarchist till the end. He was bright and acerbic and always well-dressed whenever I met him. A great loss to the movement and to the world. Totally choked to hear this news.

The ACG offers its condolences to Alan’s family, friends and comrades past and present.

Alan MacSimoin, presente!

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