Albert Nuh Washington -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1941 -- 2000 Biography : ---------------------------------- Albert Washington is 64 years old and has been locked up in U.S. dungeons since 1971. To the people, to the revolutionary movement, he is known simply as Nuh, the Arabic form of the name Noah. This past December, cancer was found in Nuh's liver. Doctors gave him three to ten months to live. In March he was moved out of Comstock Prison to the prison medical facility at Coxsackie in Upstate New York. This system is utterly merciless. It has neither forgotten or forgiven the revolutionary stand of Nuh. Even now when he faces death from cancer, they refuse to release him. In Oakland, April 22, it was clear that the life and struggle of Nuh is remembered among the people too--in a totally different way. That evening 150 people turned out for a moving evening tribute to Nuh Abdul Qayyum (as he calls himself since embracing Islam). From : Works : ---------------------------------- Author of On Kuwasi Balagoon (January 01, 1970) Author of A Soldier’s Story (January 01, 1970) Events : ---------------------------------- Albert Nuh Washington's Birth Day : November 30, 1940 Albert Nuh Washington's Death Day : November 30, 1999 Albert Nuh Washington's Added : January 25, 2021 Albert Nuh Washington's Updated : January 10, 2022 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :