Janet Biehl -------------------------------------------------------------------- September 4, 1953 -- ? Biography : ---------------------------------- Janet Biehl (born September 4, 1953) is an American political writer who is the author of numerous books and articles associated with social ecology, the body of ideas developed and publicized by Murray Bookchin. Formerly an advocate of his antistatist political program, she broke with it publicly in 2011. She works as a freelance copy editor for book publishers in New York. She currently focuses as well on translating, journalism, and artmaking. From : Wikipedia.org Works : ---------------------------------- Author of A Critique of the Draft Program of the Left Green Network (May 31, 1991) Author of Bookchin Breaks with Anarchism (November 30, 2006) Author of Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience (November 30, 1995) Author of The Fallacy of “Neither Left nor Right”: Militia Fever (November 30, 1994) Author of Kurdish Communalism (September 10, 2011) Author of The Revolutionary Moment (November 30, 2014) Author of Theses on Social Ecology and Deep Ecology (November 30, 1994) Author of Thoughts on Rojava (January 13, 2016) Author of Bookchin, Öcalan, and the Dialectics of Democracy (January 01, 1970) Author of Bookchin–Öcalan Correspondence (January 01, 1970) Editor of The Murray Bookchin Reader (January 01, 1970) Editor of The Politics of Social Ecology (January 01, 1970) Author of Twenty-One Theses for the People’s Ecology in the Twenty-First Century (January 01, 1970) Editor of The Murray Bookchin Reader (November 30, 1996) Events : ---------------------------------- Janet Biehl's Birth Day : September 04, 1953 Janet Biehl's Added : April 21, 2020 Janet Biehl's Updated : January 10, 2022 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://revoltlib.com/