Ezra Heywood : American Anarchist, Abolitionist, and Feminist -------------------------------------------------------------------- September 29, 1829 -- May 22, 1893 Description : ---------------------------------- Ezra Heywood was born in 1829. He was an anarchist, slavery abolitionist, and feminist. He developed an individual anarchist philosophy that was fundamental in printing the Free Love magazine, The Word. From : Anarchy Archives Tags : ---------------------------------- individualist, anarchist, abolitionist, feminist, american, women's suffrage, free lover, free speech. Quotes : ---------------------------------- "Government is only a scaffolding to build man; a temporary convenience, to secure order and justice, to vanish as we ascend into unison with ideas; the garment society wears to be refitted for larger life, or left behind for the next arrival in the cradle. The elements of growth and original sovereignty forever inhere in the people, and no government can be perpetual, any more than a coat can be perpetual." From : "The War Method of Peace," by Ezra Heywood, 1863 "As yet, barbarism inspires the methods, and is the leading star of civilization. We have not ascended to the realm of ideas..." From : "The War Method of Peace," by Ezra Heywood, 1863 "This savagery of materialism, the scent of blood rousing ferocious instincts, obtrudes the age of the brute into the age of man. Democratic freedom has not yet cuts its wisdom teeth..." From : "The War Method of Peace," by Ezra Heywood, 1863 Biography : ---------------------------------- Ezra Heywood 1 Ezra Heywood was born in 1829. He was an anarchist, slavery abolitionist, and feminist. He developed an individual anarchist philosophy that was fundamental in printing the Free Love magazine, The Word. In 1872, Heywood published the first issue of the magazine that would go on to print the works of influential anarchists such as Josiah Warren, William B. Greene, and Benjamin Tucker. In 1878, Heywood was convicted of violating the 1873 Comstock Act, which forbade the printing of "obscene material" like ideas of free love and anarchy, and was sentenced to two years' hard labor. Due to massive protests by free speech advocates, Heywood was pardoned, and continued to print The Word even though he was arrested four more times before his death in 1893. From : Anarchy Archives Works : ---------------------------------- Author of Uncivil Liberty: An Essay to Show the Injustice and Impolicy of Ruling Woman Without Her Consent (November 30, 1872) Events : ---------------------------------- Ezra Heywood's Birth Day : September 29, 1829 Ezra Heywood's Death Day : May 22, 1893 Ezra Heywood's Added : November 15, 2016 Ezra Heywood's Updated : January 09, 2022 Links : ---------------------------------- Anarchy Archives: Ezra Heywood Archive -- http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/bright/heywood/index.html Anarchist Library: Ezra Heywood -- https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/author/ezra-heywood Wikipedia: Ezra Heywood -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezra_Heywood About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://revoltlib.com/