Wherever authority shows its ugly mug it causes problems.
The family is no exception to this rule. How many parents, for wanting to throw around their weight, have their kid’s deaths on their conscience?
The old figure that because they’re withered, because they’ve racked up what is called “experience,” that they’re full of wisdom and can treat their offspring – who are approaching twenty – like they were still sucking on a bottle.
Course, in the projects of the old the biggest place is given over to the matter of dough – as for love that they just neglect. But for young people it’s exactly the opposite that matters. No need to say that they’re the ones t... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.) DEFINITION OF TRADE UNIONISM[1]
Of late the term "trade unionism" has a far more far-reaching meaning than it used to have. The term continues to qualify "members of a trade union organization." Besides this nebulous and colorless definition, which, by stretching a point, might be a label for "Yellow" as well as for "Red" trade unions, the term has acquired a new and very precise meaning.
The term "trade unionism" has become a comprehensive term: the impulsive power of conscious workers towards progress. The workers who invoke this epithet have thrown aside unsound and deceptive notions, and are convinced that improvements, be they partial or extreme, can only result from popular force and will. On the ruins of their former sh... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.) We are going to say what anarchy is, what anarchists are.
The anarchists, messieurs, are citizens who, in a century where freedom of opinion is preached everywhere, believe it to be their obligation to call for unlimited freedom.
Yes messieurs, throughout the world we are a few thousand, a few million workers who demand absolute freedom, nothing but freedom, all of freedom!
We want freedom, which is to say that we demand the right and the means for all human beings to do whatever pleases them, to fully satisfy all their needs, without any limit but that imposed by their natural possibilities and the needs of their neighbors, which are equally worthy of respect.
We want freedom, and we believe its existence is inc... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.) “Direct Action ... implies that the working class subscribes to notions of freedom and autonomy instead of genuflecting before the principle of authority. Now, it is thanks to this authority principle, the pivot of the modern world — democracy being its latest incarnation — that the human being, tied down by a thousand ropes, moral as well as material, is bereft of any opportunity to display will and initiative.”
What we mean by Direct Action
Direct Action is the symbol of revolutionary unionism in action. This formula is representative of the twofold battle against exploitation and oppression. It proclaims, with inherent clarity, the direction and orientation of the working class’s endeavors in its r... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.) The Party of Labor Defined
The Party of Labor is what it says it is, the banding together of the workers into one homogeneous bloc; the autonomous organization of the working class into an aggregate operating on the terrain of the economy; by virtue of its origins, its essence, it shuns all compromise with bourgeois elements.
The grassroots cell of the Party of Labor is the trade union and it is by the trade unions coming into contact with one another, through their shows of solidarity that the Party of Labor reveals itself, shows itself and acts.
On the one hand, the trade union is affiliated to the national federation of its trade; on the other, to its Departmental Union. The federal agencies of these two in turn fede... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.) The ancients said: “The wise man carries his law within him.”
This is all of anarchy in one word.
But it’ll be said: “Sure, but are all men wise?”
This would be misunderstanding the question, for no one has the measuring-stick to size up wisdom. The true wisdom for all would be for everyone to be himself. But to reach this individualism in conditions that can be generalized it has to be recognized that men have points of contact among each other, the result of which is liberties that are praised by all, and whose agreement constitutes the social milieu.
In the first rank of these entities comes the need for bread, which is common to all. Those men who don’t live on bread alone ... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.) Sabotage is something great that in a little while will make the fat cats laugh out of the other side of their mouths.
At the last Congrès Corporatif in Toulouse, where a bunch of terrific guys came from the four corners of France, sent by the unions, SABOTAGE was loudly acclaimed.
The place went wild over it.
And all the delegates promised that once they’d gotten home to spread the word on the thing so that the working stiffs could practice it all over.
And I can assure you, my pals, that that enthusiasm is not the result of a passing fancy, a fad.
Not in the least!
The idea of SABOTAGE will not remain an empty dream: it’ll be carried out.
And the exploiters will finally understand that the boss’ job isn&r... (From: Marxists.org.) Chapter 6. Proletarian Sabotage and Capitalistic Sabotage
Proletarian sabotage and capitalistic sabotage. The saboters of the mile. Saboters of the mills. Saboters of iron and steel. The great contractors of the fatherland. From the workers sabotage drops the gold of the bourgeoisie. From the capitalist sabotage oozes out human blood.
As we have stated, in examining the various systems of proletarian sabotage, under whatever form and at whatever moment it manifests itself, its chief characteristic consists — absolutely always — in hitting at the bosses’ pocketbook.
For the workers’ sabotage which is aimed only at the means of exploitation, against the machines and the tools, that is against inert, painless and l... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.) Property and authority are merely differing manifestations and expressions of one and the same "principle" which boils down to the enforcement and enshrinement of the servitude of woman. Consequently, the only difference between them is one of vantage point: viewed from one angle, slavery appears as a property crime, whereas, viewed from a different angle, it constitutes an authority crime.
In life, these "principles" whereby the peoples are muzzled are erected into oppressive institutions of which only the facade had changed over the ages. At present and in spite of all the tinkering carried out on the ownership system and the adjustments made to the exercise of authority, quite superficial tinkerings and adjustments, submission, co... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)