Dermot Sreenan -------------------------------------------------------------------- Biography : ---------------------------------- National University of Ireland, Galway | NUI Galway · School of Education. Works : ---------------------------------- Author of The 1931 Barcelona Rent Strike (January 01, 1970) Author of Back to the Future (January 01, 1970) Author of Bad News for Spring and De Rossa (January 01, 1970) Author of The Bolsheviks’ Pet Anarchist (January 01, 1970) Author of Crime and Punishment: An Anarchist View (January 01, 1970) Author of Cuba: Socialist Paradise or Castro’s Fiefdom? (January 01, 1970) Author of The EZLN (January 01, 1970) Author of Fascist Terror Grows across Europe (January 01, 1970) Author of France: The General Strike of 1968 (January 01, 1970) Author of French Show how to Fight... and Win! (January 01, 1970) Author of International Campaign Wins Stay of Execution for US Black Activist (January 01, 1970) Author of The Land of 1,000 Welcomes? (January 01, 1970) Author of London Burns — Causes & Consequences of the Riots (January 01, 1970) Author of Looking Back on the Battle of the Bins & Lessons Learnt (January 01, 1970) Author of March for Choice 2017 — Report from Dublin (January 01, 1970) Author of Paris 1968 (January 01, 1970) Author of Review: All (Wood)Cock and Bull (January 01, 1970) Author of Review: Voice of Fire (January 01, 1970) Author of Revolutionaries (January 01, 1970) Author of Whoever Pays the Piper Calls the Tune (January 01, 1970) Author of Who was Emiliano Zapata (January 01, 1970) Author of Winning the Water War (January 01, 1970) Author of ¡Zapata Lives! (January 01, 1970) Events : ---------------------------------- Dermot Sreenan's Added : January 16, 2022 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :