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There’s no reason for scholars to shrug their shoulders so much, as if they had to bear the weight of the whole world: it wasn’t they who invented the revolutionary idea. It was the oppressed people, who by their often unconscious attempts to shake off the yoke of their oppressors drew the attention of scholars to social morality; and it was only later that a few rare thinkers managed to find this insufficient, and later still that others agreed to find it completely false. Yes, it is the blood split by the people which ends by forming ideas in scholars’ heads. ‘Ideals spring from deeds, and not the other way round,’ said Carlo Pisacane in his political testament, and he was right. It is the people who m... (From:
At a congress held in Paris by the Center region, one speaker, who stood out because of his fierceness against anarchists, said: “Communism and anarchy would scream to find themselves together.” Another speaker who also spoke against anarchists, though less harshly, cried out, in speaking of economic equality: “How can liberty be violated, if equality exists?” Well! I think that both speakers are wrong. There can absolutely be economic equality, without having liberty in the slightest. Certain religious communities are living proof of this, because the most complete equality exists there as well as despotism. Complete equality, because the leader dresses himself in the same cloth and eats ... (From:
Carefully examining the formula of capital, it can be noted in the last analysis that the matter of the accrual of capital is resolved in the following way: finding a commodity that profits more than what it costs; finding a commodity that, in our hands, can give rise to value, so that, by selling it, we come to amass more money than we spent to buy it. In short, it must be an elastic commodity that, stretched however much in our hands, can grow in value. This very singular commodity indeed exists and it is called labor power, or labor force. For example, here is a money-owner, who possesses a large amount of wealth, and wants to use his wealth to give rise to capital. He comes into the marketplace solely in search of labor power. Le... (From:
Comrades, In light of a number of inaccuracies and omissions in the official minutes of the Berne Congress, certain newspapers have drawn from the report presented by us on the situation and principles of the International in Italy some conclusions that do not quite match with the facts.[1] We therefore ask you to carry the following statement in your newspaper: We never said anything that might lead one to suppose that in Italy the International was split into two branches subscribing to two different schools of thought. The vast majority of Italian socialists have rallied around the Italian Federation’s anarchist, collectivist, revolutionary program, and the few who have, thus far, as a consequence of intrigues and l... (From:
The Neapolitan Workers’ Federation recognizes and proclaims the following principles: All beings human in nature are equal and, since they all share the same rights and duties, there are no rights without duties, no duties without rights.[1] Since labor is a human necessity, there is a duty upon all to labor and everyone is entitled to enjoyment of the entire product of his labor. For that very reason, the instruments of labor and raw materials belong to the whole of humanity and everyone is entitled to make use of them in pursuit of his own activities.[2] Every individual born is entitled to be reared, fed, and educated technically, comprehensively and equally by the collective to which he ha... (From:
COMRADES and EDITORS of “Il Grido del Popolo” On the eve of the London Congress it is urgent that every opinion be expressed concerning immediate revolutionary action, action that is aimed at bringing the outbreak of revolution nearer. At this congress the legalists and parliamentarians will be conspicuous by their absence, and all those present will be in perfect agreement concerning the need for violent means. Therefore, the whole order of the day will be reduced to the following question: How shall we organize the violence? Two solutions will be proposed: one from the classical school, the other from the modern one. The first will propose the disciplined order of the army division and well-defined bat... (From:
“The desire for destruction is a creative passion.” Mikhail Bakunin, articles published in Dresden in 1841. “To rise to a new life, one must extinguish every last echo of the past” Carlo Pisacane, Saggio storico, p. 60. Every age of human development has had its revolutionaries and its reactionaries; the former worked for the triumph of the revolution, while the latters mission was to halt its course However, they were not always acting in bad faith. There have been some who simply intended to take advantage of the revolution, while others had no other aim than to take advantage of its conquests, giving them an official form, the sanction of authority — th... (From:
We all agree on the need for revolutionary propaganda, but one must distinguish the abstract propaganda of the idea, which is made through books, newspapers and speeches, from the real propaganda of deeds which, though requiring the cooperation of the written and spoken word, is essentially different from the former, both at its root — since it is founded on the actual position in which the people find themselves — and throughout its development — since its essential manifestation is the deed, the material action that is alone able to provoke other deeds. In the case of the former, the idea is foremost, the cause, and the deed is an accessory, the consequence; in the latter case, however, the deed is foremost, th... (From:
“Everything changes in the universe, bodies transform, alteration is the prime law of nature.” Giuseppe Ferrari, Filosofia della rivoluz ione. “It will not be a judgment, it will be a cataclysm, a geological revolution...” Herzen, From the Other Shore. In nature nothing is created and nothing is destroyed — everything is transformed. This is demonstrated by chemistry. While matter always remains unaltered in its quantity, its form and quality can change infinitely. When one burns, pulverizes or dissolves a body, what takes place if not the transformation of the matter of that body, the transformation of that matter from one form of life to another? ... (From: