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THE RACIST DELIRIUM Fascism, the triumph of the irrational, has taken the most discredited myths of pre-scientific ethnology to its bosom. One of the theorists of Hitlerism (assuming that it can be regarded as a body of doctrine), Ernest Krieck, in his book National Political Education (page 17), proclaims the need to subject science to National Socialist politics, thereby giving science the kiss of death. “The age of ‘pure reason’, of ‘science for the sake of science’, of ‘disinterested science’, is over. Any science that has an active contribution to make towards a broad objective becomes political, and thus, like politics, has its principles and its accomplishments alike, imbued wit... (From:
Preface by Frank Mintz French: Guarantir la révolution (Sources of information and quotations: U. Marzocchi and V. Rabitti, Umanita Nova 16th July 1966; U. Fedeli, Adunata dei Refrattari, December 1961; Pensieri e Battaglie 1938.) "To guarantee revolution, it is not enough for the mob to be armed or for them to have expropriated the bourgeoisie: it is necessary for them to destroy the capitalist system entirely and to organize their own system. They must be able to combat the ideas put forward by Stalinist and reformist leaders with the same vigor with which they attack capitalist individuals and the leaders of the bourgeois parties. As of May 1937, any revolutionary endeavor that does not remain faithful to this... (From:
The Dictatorship of the Proletariat is a Marxist conception. According to Lenin "only he is a Marxist who extends his acknowledgment of the class struggle to an acknowledgment of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat." Lenin was right: the Dictatorship of the Proletariat is, in effect, for Marx no more than the conquest of the state by the proletariat which, organized in a politically dominant class, arrives, by way of State Socialism, at the elimination of all classes. In the 'Critique of the Gotha Program' written by Marx in 1875 we read: "between capitalist and communist society lies the period of the revolutionary transformation of the one into the other. There corresponds to this also a political transition period in wh... (From:
Marie Louise Berneri Memorial Committee In Memory of M.L.B. (poem) 1. Introduction 2. Letters (1936–1937) From a French Comrade. S. Parane, Paris From a letter to her companion. Paris, 19th March, 1936 (in French) To her companion. Paris, 4th October, 1936 (in Italian) A letter from her father After her Father’s Death 3. Her Contribution to Freedom Press Freedom Press Group From a Spanish Refugee. Manuel Salgado, London A Visit to Glasgow (1945, letter to her companion in prison) A Tribute from George Woodcock (writing from Vancouver) 4. Press Tributes From an American Jewish Paper, Freie Arbeiter Stimme (New York), 8 July, 1949 From a Mexican Paper, Soli (From:
First published in 1922 under the title "Un federalista Russo Pietro Kropotkin". First English translation published in "War Commentary", May 1942. Reprinted in July 1942 and February 1943. This is from my copy of the Freedom Press pamphlet version which originally sold for 2d. PETER KROPOTKIN His Federalist Ideas C. Berneri One of the most interesting aspects of Kropotkin's political thought is the federalist idea which constantly recurs in his writings and forms one of the basic factors in his anarchist ideology. Although Kropotkin's federalism is not a systematic theory and cannot be very clearly differentiated from that of Proudhon or Bakunin, it nevertheless presents various characteristics which make its study of intere... (From: Anarchy Archives.)
Emile Pouget wrote in 1906 (Almanac of the Revolution),"There are no possible or effective revolutions except when workers and peasants participate in the movement. If on the contrary only one of these categories is on the move whether it is the peasants or the workers the movement will miscarry." More than in any other circumstance, this necessity of the union of the peasant and the worker has been emphasized by syndicalist propaganda. Up to now, the development of the Spanish Social Revolution has shown a remarkable synchronism between collectivist action in the towns and the country, and the opposition which existed in the Russian and Hungarian Revolutions have not presented themselves. That does not mean to say however that they ... (From:
Reply by the "Pensiero e Volontà" Group to an invitation to join the International Anarchist Communist Federation Luigi Fabbri, Camillo Berneri, Ugo Fedeli Translator's introduction: Following publication of the Organizational Platform of the General Union of Anarchists by the Group of Russian Anarchists Abroad, a series of discussions were held in Paris to discuss the setting up of a new Anarchist Communist international. Italy was represented by several groups and individuals, the most prestigious of which was the group representing the journal "Pensiero e Volontà": Fabbri, Berneri and Fedeli. Fedeli, in fact, presided over a meeting held in Paris on 12th February 1927 which called an international conference to discu... (From:
Whereas we anarchists desire the extinction of the state through the social revolution and the constitution of an autonomist federal order, the Leninists desire the destruction of the bourgeois state and moreover the conquest of the state by the 'proletariat.' The 'proletarian' state. they say, is a semi-state since the complete state is the bourgeois one destroyed by the social revolution. And even this semi-state would die, according to the Marxists, a natural death. This theory of the extinction of the state which is the basis of Lenin's book 'State and Revolution' has been derived by him from Engels who in 'Anti-Duhring' says, "The proletariat seizes the power of the state and first of all transforms the means of produ... (From:
On militarization of the militias (interview in ‘Spain and the World’) The first question we asked Camillo Berneri concerns the military situation as he saw it. “I have no special skill in military technique”, he replied, “but I can inform you of the impressions I received on the Huesca Front which I know well because I have fulfilled in turn the roles of ordinary Militia man, of political delegate of the ‘Italian section’ of the Ascaso Column and now of delegate to the Defense Council. I have the impression that the militia has made great advances. At the start, one was aware of a great lack of experience in the struggle against modern engines of war: for example time was wasted i... (From: