Armenian Libertarian-Socialist Movement : Global, Caucasian and Armenian Politics in Anarchist Perspective -------------------------------------------------------------------- Biography : ---------------------------------- Over the years we have met many Armenian anarchists and like-minded intellectuals. It was also exciting to find out that there is an organized “Autonom” movement in Yerevan (Proryv – “Breakthrough”), though their website has been discontinued. And we have recently found out that the group has been violently crushed in our beloved “Democratic” Republic. We have also met many socialists and communists, who adopt a critical view of dictatorial communism; we have met many like-minded intellectuals… many Greens, many feminists, many left-wing activists, many avant-garde artists and intellectuals… The only thing is that they are not only in Armenia, but also spread across the globe – “the Greater Armenia”. In short, we are starting this website with knowledge that there are many people out there sympathetic to our ideas. We want to create this website as a sort of convergence point – a Cyber-HQ and as a focal point to help us come together, discuss and develop our politics… first as a cyber-commune and then, hopefully, gradually grow into a political force. From : Works : ---------------------------------- Author of Armenian History: An Anarchist Perspective (January 01, 1970) Author of Mission Statement (January 01, 1970) Events : ---------------------------------- Armenian Libertarian-Socialist Movement's Added : January 31, 2021 Armenian Libertarian-Socialist Movement's Updated : January 10, 2022 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :