Anthony J. Nocella II

Entry 7724


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


Untitled People Anthony J. Nocella II

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About Anthony J. Nocella II

Anthony J. Nocella II, Ph.D., award-winning author and educator, is an Executive Director of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies, National Co-coordinator of Save the Kids, and co-founder and Editor of the Peace Studies Journal and Transformative Justice Journal.

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Wayne Price There are various opinions on the question of what a libertarian socialist economy would look like. By “libertarian socialism,” I include anarchism and libertarian Marxism, as well as related tendencies such as guild socialism and parecon—views which advocate a free, cooperative, self-managed, nonstatist economy once capitalism has been overthrown. Before directly discussing these programs, alternate visions of communal commonwealths, it is important to decide on the appropriate method. Historically, two methods have predominated, which I will call the utopian-moral approach and the Marxist-determinist approach (neither of these terms is meant to be pejorative). I will propose a third approach, which has... (From:
SECTION III. Philosophical Perspectives and Theoretical Frameworks DIALOGUE 3. (On a mountaintop, between two who are in fact one) Alejandro de Acosta A: See, there are movements. They issue calls, call out to each other, too. B: Yes, other self, and I hear, in their distant calls, discourses, stories. A: Look, somewhere someone finds or loses a self, as if one of us were to vanish to the other. B: Yes, and look, somewhere, a political act, one or more, unfolds, unfold. Already here, on this mountaintop, you and I, other self … A: I am not so sure. From up here all of this might come to seem strange, unlikely, incomprehensible. B: Fragile, at least. A: No homogenous spa (From:

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