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The macabre death toll increases day by day, and in the imagination of each person takes place the sensation, at first vague then always a little stronger, of being more and more threatened by the Great Grim Reaper. For hundreds of millions of human beings, this imagining is certainly not new, that of death that can strike anyone, at any time. Just think of the damned of the earth sacrificed daily on the altar of power and profit: those who survive under State bombs, in the midst of endless wars over oil or mineral resources, those who coexist with invisible radioactivity caused by accidents or nuclear waste, those who cross the Sahel or the Mediterranean and are locked up in concentration camps for migrants, those who are reduced to pieces... (From:
Preface by the Anarchist Federation We found this text on the web whilst engaged in a debate within the AF on SHAC and the ALF. We remembered reading it shortly after it was published, sometime in the early 80s. We hope that by republishing it on our site that it will become more accessible to readers familiar with the AF’s politics. The Text we found was at the following site: Radio4All We like this pamphlet becasue of it’s cogent arguments against terrorism and urban guerrilla strategies, whilst still recognizing that a revolution will involve force and ultimately will probably require revolutionary violence against the repressive forces of capitalism. On the other hand we have disagreements with aspects o... (From:
The totalitarian nature of modern capitalism is not the monolithic authoritarian dictatorship as imagined half a century ago in the "Brave New World" and "1984" novels, but a more subtle regime ruled by a bewildering diversity of means penetrating more and more into areas of life previously uncolonized and uncommodified; in the realms of the geographical, sensory, emotional, genetic, etc. The technological growth of the capitalist mode of production that fuels these new invasions is an increasing threat to the chances of simple biological survival. In this Age of Indifference, most just don't want to know. They block it all out, stick their heads in the sand. Doom and gloom only makes people feel even more impotent (or, worse, they j... (From:
Santiago, Chili 2010 CHILI RECENTLY DOMINATED WORLD HEADLINES through the much publicized rescue of 33 miners entombed in the Atacama desert after the dilapidated, unstable mine they were working in collapsed. When the ‘accident’ took place on 5 August, there seemed little hope of saving their lives. 9 DAYS LATER, on August 14, public prosecutor Ricardo Peña gave the order to set in motion “Operation Salamandra”, in which agents of the BIPE (Investigation Police) the ERTA , the GOPE (Special Forces of the Normal Police), LABOCAR (CSI) and a series of helicopters and police cars were used to carry out 17 spectacular dawn raids in Santiago and Valparaiso. The excuse for this police operation... (From:
An open letter, on what we must do to mitigate this crisis. We are a group of migrant solidarity, prison abolitionist and anti-racist organizers. We wanted to write this statement from an abolitionist, anti-racist perspective, highlighting the reality that the causes of the current crisis lie deeper than the outbreak of disease itself: it is rooted in the very way our economy is organized, how our society is gendered and racialised. See below our open letter, which details what we must do in the face of this crisis. Coronavirus is a political issue. At root, this pandemic is a disease of global capitalism, both in its genesis and its transmission. Without the drive towards overproduction, the particular conditions for the in... (From:

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