Who Will Go?

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Image::1 A comrade writes to us from Staffordshire: "I am sorry I cannot report any progress in propaganda or 'increase in numbers. It is difficult to agitate here; the workers live scattered about and are in a deplorable state of ignorance. Many of the older men and women can neither read nor write sad the ""adult classes" here only serve the purpose of hypocrisy and superstition, the "education" consisting merely in reading and writing from the Bible. What we require is a few intelligent and energetic young follows to settle down and work among the miners, quarrymen, brickmakers, sanitary pipe makers, iron-founders or furnacemen. Wages, of course, are very low, but a single man can board and lodge very well for 15s. weekly. We should certainly do our best to find such a comrade a job at something, but be must be willing to go among the men where they meet, that is, in the various public-houses, where he must mix with and talk to them. I am confident they would listen. It would require some sacrifice, but I am of opinion that we English should learn a little more than we have done from our Russian friends and their mode of propaganda. I believe a private agitation conducted in such a manner would have more chance of success than any public meetings or lectures."

Will any one volunteer?

Freedom: A Journal of Anarchist Socialism
Vol. 4 -- No. 41,
APRIL, 1890
Source: http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/anarchist_archives/journals/freedom/freedom4_41.html

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