Chapter 5

The Struggle Against Regina Pacis

People :

Author : Anonymous

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31/08/02. A Town Council in Melendugno (Lecce) is disrupted to the sound of football supporters’ trumpets in protest against the mayor who had forbidden a demo and an exhibition against Regina Pacis in San Foca.

21/09/02. Four immigrants attempt to escape from Regina Pacis and put up a fight with the carabinieri who are always in the camp. Unfortunately two are arrested.

03/11/02. Demonstration in front of the church in Monteroni (Lecce) where Archbishop Ruppi is celebrating a religious event. Exposition of banner, exhibition on immigration and distribution of leaflets. Ruppi doesn’t show up to greet the crowd who were waiting for his blessing, but runs away through the back door. A few inhabitants of Monteroni show solidarity to the demonstrators.

12/11/02. Group of demonstrators gather outside the Prefecture in Lecce where 11 members of parliament of the Adriatic-Ionic area are about to have a gala dinner. The next day the same ministers are supposed to have a summit to strengthen measures and a plan of ‘alert and rapid reaction’ against illegal immigration. The demonstrators show their anger with whistles, trumpets megaphones. Thousands of leaflets are handed out and road blocks are carried out.

13/11/02. During the demo of the Social Forum against the summit of the 11 ministers, the anarchists throw some rotten fruit and eggs against the cops, the journalists and the security service of the Social Forum.

20/11/02. In Casarano (Lecce) a conference on immigration organized by Alleanza Nazionale (the Italian fascist party) in which Lodeserto is participating is interrupted by 15 demonstrators who show a banner against the deportation of immigrants.

22/11/02. 40 immigrants escape from Regina Pacis after a fight with the carabinieri. In the following days most of them are re-captured, only 7 succeed in gaining freedom. The re-captured immigrants are violently beaten in reprisal.

26/04/03. Four Romenians attempt to escape from Regina Pacis and beat two carabinieri who try to stop them.

3/05/03. A group of North African immigrants destroy the canteen of Regina Pacis in protest against their deportation order. Eight carabinieri are injured.

10/05/03. Just before the start of ‘Giro d’Italia’, the most important cycling event in Italy, some writing appears on the roads of the trajectory in the Lecce area: ‘Free all immigrants, Ruppi is a killer’.

11/07/03. The side door of the ancient baroque cathedral in Lecce, the headquarters of Archbishop Ruppi, is set on fire. On the walls these words appear: ‘Free the immigrants from the concentration camps’, ‘Ruppi and Lodeserto are criminal bastards’.

September/October 2003. Local newspapers comment on the many writings on the churches and palaces of Lecce against Regina Pacis and its management.

12/10/03. Outside the CPT Regina Pacis about a dozen people show their solidarity to the prisoners. From inside the latter reply by throwing objects and rubbish at the carabinieri. At the end of the demonstration a thick shower of eggs full of red paint leaves its mark on the walls of the CPT.

October 2003. Four attempted suicides in Regina Pacis.

8/11/03. In Lecce and Lequile two cash machines of ‘Banca Intesa’ are set on fire and destroyed. The bank is involved in Regina Pacis management. In Lequile a few banknotes also burn and the inside walls of the bank are damaged. A few leaflets about Regina Pacis are left on the spot

9/11/03. Another Banca Intesa cash machine is damaged in Lecce.

24/11/03. An Algerian prisoner in Regina Pacis attacks Lodeserto with a stick and injures him.

3/12/2003. A lot of posters and writings against Catia Cazzato appear on the walls of Calimera (Lecce). The woman is employed in Regina Pacis and is responsible for writing false reports about the beatings of immigrants, maintaining that the prisoners’ injuries were self-inflicted in order to try to escape.

Beginning of February 04. A North African immigrant detained in Regina Pacis swallows two batteries and is taken to hospital, from where he later manages to escape.

16/3/04. Failed attack on a Banca Intesa branch in Lecce.

01/04/04. About fifteen people gather outside the chapel where Monsignor Ruppi is celebrating Easter mass.

11/04/04. Easter day, a banner against the CPT appears on the scaffolding near the cathedral.

18/04/04. ‘Progetto Marta’ takes place in Sant’Oronzo Square in Lecce. It is an initiative in which the Regina Pacis foundation tries to clean up its image by collecting goods and redistributing them among poor people, immigrants and homeless. Some comrades contest the initiative in a leaflet. On their refusal to show their identity cards the police react pushing and shoving but don’t manage to take them to the police station.

27/06/04. Twenty prisoners attempt to escape from Regina Pacis. Only five gain freedom.

11/11/04. While there is a demo going on outside the CPT, the internees rebel, destroying everything they can. One of them manages to climb the wall, and is immediately chased by the carabinieri. The demonstrators put themselves in the midst of this and the military charge. One girl comrade has a broken leg and another is beaten and arrested. A few days later he is sent home under house arrest.

12/11/04. Writings appear on walls and churches in the center of the town (Lecce) against deportations and CPTs, and for the freedom of the arrested comrade.

17/07/04. Demonstration is held in Piazza Duomo in Lecce against the CPT and for the freedom of the arrested comrade.

21/07/04. About twenty immigrants attempt to escape from the CPT, but only two succeed in gaining freedom.

09/08/04. A Tunisinian attempts to escape from Regina Pacis but is blocked by a carabiniere. A fight follows and the cop is then taken to hospital.

10/08/04. Nine immigrants attempt to escape. Six of them are successful, but a Moldovan man falls from the wall and is paralyzed for the rest of his life.

12/08/04. Another fifteen prisoners attempt to escape but only one Romanian succeeds.

17/08/04. After what happened over the preceding weeks dozens of immigrants tried to escape, some succeeded. Blocked by the carabinieri they are then beaten up: the director father Cesare Lodeserto also participates. That night a window of his house is struck by an incendiary bottle. A leaflet claiming the action says: ‘Against don Cesare and against CPTs’.

29/08/04. While a demo is taking place outside the CPT, some prisoners make it known that they are on hunger strike.

08/09/04. Fifteen immigrants attempt to escape but are blocked by the carabinieri. A fight follows and two prisoners gain freedom.

26/09/04. During a fair in Calimera, leaflets denouncing Catia Cazzato are distributed. The carabinieri order four comrades to hand over their ID. As the four refuse, they are taken to the carabinieri station and identified. One of them is sued for libel.

03/10/04. A mass escape attempt from the CPT is blocked by the carabinieri. Only five immigrants manage to escape.

31/10/04. The cash machine and the window of Banco Ambrosiano Veneto (a bank that belongs to Banca Intesa) are stained with red paint in Sannicola (Lecce).

15/12/04. Demo outside the Paisiello theater in Lecce, where Monsignor Ruppi is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of his priesthood.

08/01/05. Four North Africans attempt to escape from the CPT by jumping from a window on the first floor, but they are blocked by some carabinieri and the director. A fight follows, one carabiniere and father Cesare are injured. One of the immigrants is arrested and accused of ‘violence and resisting a public official’, another is taken to hospital with a broken leg.

13/01/05. Another attempt to escape from the CPT: three manage to flee jumping from the first floor, whereas one is recaptured.

23/01/05. A lot of writings against Catia Cazzato appear on the walls of Calimera.

Actions and events in solidarity with the anarchists arrested in Lecce (and in other parts of Italy) and against immigration detention centers

13/05/05. LECCE. The day after operation Nottetempo culminated in the arrest of five comrades, anarchists block the traffic, distribute leaflets and hang a banner: ‘The Struggle never stops’.

14/05/05. LECCE. Demo in solidarity with the arrested anarchists, against prisons and immigration detention centers.

TURIN. Demo against the CPTs and in solidarity with the arrested comrades.

21/05/05. LECCE. 400 anarchists from all over Italy demonstrate in solidarity with the arrested comrades.

22/05/05. LECCE. Meeting to discuss prison and repression, detention camps and deportations. Demo outside the prison.

A mail explosive device is sent to the chief police inspector Manara.

Explosive devices are also sent to Turin metropolitan police and to the director of the detention camp for immigrants in Modena.

05/06/05. LECCE. Solidarity gig outside the prison.

09/06/05. LONDON. Benefit gig.

15/06/05. ATHENS. The Italian Institute of Culture is occupied in solidarity to the arrested anarchists.

18/06/05. ATHENS. Solidarity demo at Propilea in the city center.

19/06/05. LECCE. Demo outside the prison.

24/06/05. BARI. Demo in solidarity to prisoners and against detention camps.

24/06/05. SALONIKI. Anarchists occupy offices of Italian consulate.

25/06/05. BARCELONA. During a demo in solidarity with Italian anarchists, police attack and arrest 7 people.

27/06/05. ATHENS. A Benetton shop is attacked in solidarity with Italian and Spanish anarchists.

29/06/05. ATHENS. Explosive devices are put on a few FIAT cars in solidarity with Italian anarchists.

05/07/05. BARCELONA. Demo in solidarity with Italian and Spanish prisoners and against FIES regime.

SAINTS (Spain). A Fiat car shop is attacked in solidarity withItalian anarchists.

07/07/05. ATHENS. Demo outside the Spanish embassy.

BARI. Demo against the CPTs.

LECCE. Meeting to discuss immigration and CPTs.

12/07/05. MONTBRISON (France). Benefit dinner and gig for Italian anarchists.

ATHENS. About 100 anarchists occupy Cervantes institute in solidarity with Italian anarchists.

15/07/05. EL PRAT (Spain). A Fiat car shop is attacked with an explosive device.

16/07/05. MILAN. Demo in Piazza Cadorna against the air company Alitalia, responsible for the deportation of immigrants.

19/07/05. SALONIKI. Solidarity demo in the city center.

27/07/05. MONTEVIDEO (Uruguay). During the night 3 explosive devices are thrown against the Italian-Uruguayan chamber of commerce, the Italian cultural institute, and the Italian consulate. Posters were put up on the walls and doors written in Italian and Spanish with the phrase, ‘Repression of the anarchist movement in Italy won’t stop the struggle’. Leaflets were also left denouncing operation Cervantes, Marini trial, operation Fraria, etc...

July-October 05. A great number of solidarity initiatives (benefit events, demos, meetings, etc) are organized all over Italy.

09/11/05. LECCE. On the occasion of the preliminary trial against the Lecce anarchists a demo is organized in the streets of the town.

19/0106. LECCE. A roadblock by fits and starts with distribution of leaflets is organized outside the court as the first hearing concerning the operation Nottetempo finishes. Some of the participants in the roadblock are later fined 3,000 euros for blocking the traffic.

A demo is also organized in the evening.

20/1/06. LECCE. Meeting to discuss strategies of struggle against the CPTs.

21/01/06. LECCE. A group of anarchists disrupt a conference where the president of the region also participates. They show a banner, distribute leaflets and explain the reason for the interruption with a megaphone.

02/03/06. LECCE. On the occasion of the second hearing against the Lecce anarchists, a protest march is organized in the streets of the town.

03/03/06. LECCE. Meeting to discuss strategies of struggle against the CPTs.

Puppet show in Piazza Apollo (Pulcinella against the cops) organized by a few comrades from Naples. Distribution of leaflets and exposition of banners.

05/03/06. LECCE. In the night a group of noisy friends greets the prisoners in Borgo San Nicola, where Salvatore and Saverio are also being held temporarily.

11/03/06. SALONIKI. A meeting about judicial operations carried out against anarchists in Italy and a solidarity gig are organized by the comrades of the squat Terra Incognita.

April 2006. Counter-information initiatives are organized in Lecce and other Italian towns on the occasion of the third and fourth hearings concerning the operation Nottetempo (April 11 and April 21).

03/05/06. LECCE. The morning after the fifth hearing concerning operation Nottetempo, a group of anarchists occupy the building of the Red Cross, responsible for the management of a number of CPTs in Italy. Leaflets are handed out to employes inside the building and to passersby outside.

In the evening anarchists disrupt a conference held by a famous leftwing journalist in Casarano, the town where Marina is under house arrest and from where Salvatore was taken to prison a year before. Leaflets are distributed and a banner is shown as one of the comrades explains the reason for the interruption through a megaphone. Most participants to the conference applaud the intervention.

04/05/06. LECCE. The prisoners in Borgo San Nicola prison are greeted in the night by a by noisy group of friends.

05/05/06. LECCE. At the end of the hearing concerning the operation Nottetempo a number of comrades take their jackets off and display their T-shirts that all together spell out LIBERI SUBITO (freedom now) on the front and NO CPTs on the back. Salvatore and Saverio enjoy the show, which on the contrary is not at all appreciated by the judge. In fact, the comrades wearing the T-shirts are banned from attending future hearings.

In the evening a solidarity march is organized in the streets of the town.

06/05/06. LECCE. Anarchists disrupt a religious event organized in Piazza Duomo, where Cesare Lodeserto’s boss archbishop Ruppi and cardinal Sodano, the right hand of the pope, also participate. Thousands of fliers denouncing the responsibility of the church in the management of Regina Pacis are thrown all over the place while a comrade shouts out our anger towards Ruppi and Lodeserto through a megaphone.

26/05/06. LECCE. A comrade spits on father Cesare Lodeserto as he walks along the street. He has since been charged with ‘insulting religion’.

A number of comrades writing to those in jail have been charged with subversive association under article 270bis of the Italian penal code on the basis of their correspondence.

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January 31, 2021 : Chapter 5 -- Added.

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