Index -------------------------------------------------------------------- 19121912 People : ---------------------------------- Author : Bertrand Russell Text : ---------------------------------- INDEX The interrogations indicate places where a view is discussed, not asserted [To use this index divide the sought page number by the number of pages in the book, 160, and scroll down that fraction. Example: "Phenomenon" is on page 86. 86/160=53%. Scroll down 53% into the file and there you are. (Or just use the search function.)] Absolute idea, 142 Acquaintance, 43 ff., 60, 108, 109, 119, 136 with Self? 50 Act, mental, 41 Analytic, 82 Appearance, 9, 16 A priori, 74-7, 80, 82 ff., 103 ff. mental? 88 Arithmetic, 84 Association, 62 63 65 Being, 100 Belief, 119 ff., instinctive, 24 25 Berkeley, George (Bishop), 12, 13, 15, 16, 36, 38 ff., 73, 95, 97 Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 54-8 Bradley, Francis Herbert, 95 Cantor, Georg, 147 Causality, 63, 69, 83 China, Emperor of, 44, 75 Cogito, ergo sum, 18. See Descartes Coherence, 122, 123, 140 Colors, 8-10, 34, 35, 138 Concept, 52 Constituents, 126 Contradiction, law of, 72, 83 Correspondence of belief and fact, 121 ff. Correspondence of sense-data and physical objects, 22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 37, 39 Criterion, 140 Critical philosophy, 82 ff. Deduction, 79 Descartes, Erné, 18, 19, 73, 150 Description, 45, 47, 52 ff., 109 Divisibility, infinite, 146, 147 Doubt, 17, 18, 25, 150 Dreams, 19, 22, 110, 122 Duration, 32 Empiricists, 73-5, 86, 95 Error, 110 119 ff., 139, 151 Excluded middle, 72 Existence, 100, knowledge of, 17 ff., 60, 73 Experience: extended by descriptions, 59, 60, 148 immediate, 7, 18 Facts, 136-8 Falsehood, 120 ff. definition of, 1Z8 Generalization, empirical, 78 Geometry, 77, 84 Hallucinations. See Dreams Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 141 Hume, David, 73, 83, 95, 97 Ideas, 38 ff., 99 abstract, 48, 95 innate, 73 platonic, 91-3 Idealism, 37-45 defined, 37 grounds of, 38 ff. Idealists, 36 Identity, law of, 72 Induction, 60-9, 79, 107 principle of, 66, 67, 112 Inference, logical and psychological, 134 Infinity, 146, 147 Innate ideas and principles. See Ideas Introspection, 49 Kant, Immanuel, 81-90, 146 Knowledge: by acquaintance and by description, 44-59, 108-9 definition of, 131 ff., 159 derivative, 109, 133-5 indubitable? 7, 151 intuitive, 109, 111-8, 133, 135 ff., 149 of future, 60 ff. of general principles, 70-81, 84, 107 of things and of truths, 44, 46, 108, 109, 144 of universe, 26, 141, 155 only of mental things? 41 ff. philosophical, 149, 154 theory of, 38 Laws, general, 63, 67, 74 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 15, 16, 36, 73, 95 Light, 28-9 Locke, John, 73 Logic, 71, 91, 123, 147-8 Mathematics, 77, 84 Matter, 12 existence of, 13, 15, 17-26, 43 nature of, 27-36 Memory, 48, 114 ff. Mind, 13, 52 the only reality? 14. See also Idealists what is in the, 38 ff., 99 Monad, 95 Modadism, 95 Monism, 95 Motion, laws of, 61, 64 Nature of a thing, 144 Necessity, 78 Object of apprehension, 41-3 of judgment, 126, 127 Particular, 93 Perception, 113-4, 117, 137 Phenomenon, 86, 87 Philosophy, value of, 153-161 uncertainty of, 154, 155 Physical objects, 12, 19, 33, 34, 52, 85, 108 Plato, 91 ff. Principles, general, 70-81 Probable opinion, 139-40 Probability, 62 ff., 73 Proper names, 54 ff., 93 Propositions, constituents of, 53, 54 Qualities, 90, 95, 97, 101 Rationalists, 73, 86 Reality, 9 ff., 16 Relations, 31, 32, 34, 97, 101 ff., 143-5 multiple, 123-7 sense of, 127 Resemblance, 96, 102 Self, 19, 50, 51, 87 Self-consciousness, 50 Self-evidence, 112-8 degrees of, 117, 138 two kinds of, 136 ff. Sensation, 12 85 86 Sense-data, 12, 15-17, 21-4, 27, 30, 32-4, 46, 85, 137 certainty of, 18-21 Shapes, 1O, 11, 33 Solipsism, 21-4 Space, 29 ff., 146 Euclidean and non-Euclidean, 147 physical, 29-33 Spinoza, Baruch, 94, 95 Subject, 126 'Thing in itself', 86 'Thought, Laws of', 72, 88, 89 Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, in Opposition to Skeptics and Atheists, 12 Time, 32 ff., 87, 102, 146 Touch, 11 Truth, 119-130 Definition of, 128 Uniformity of nature, 63 Universals, 48, 52, 91-100, 148 knowledge of, 101-10, 137 Verbs, 94 Events : ---------------------------------- Index -- Publication : November 30, 1911 Index -- Added : January 16, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :