People :
Author : Bertrand Russell
Text :
The interrogations indicate places where a view is discussed, not
asserted [To use this index divide the sought page number by the
number of pages in the book, 160, and scroll down that fraction.
Example: "Phenomenon" is on page 86. 86/160=53%. Scroll down 53% into
the file and there you are. (Or just use the search function.)]
- Absolute idea, 142
- Acquaintance, 43 ff., 60, 108, 109, 119, 136 with Self? 50
- Act, mental, 41
- Analytic, 82
- Appearance, 9, 16
- A priori, 74-7, 80, 82 ff., 103 ff. mental? 88
- Arithmetic, 84
- Association, 62 63 65
- Being, 100
- Belief, 119 ff., instinctive, 24 25
- Berkeley, George (Bishop), 12, 13, 15, 16, 36, 38 ff., 73, 95, 97
- Bismarck, Prince Otto von, 54-8
- Bradley, Francis Herbert, 95
- Cantor, Georg, 147
- Causality, 63, 69, 83
- China, Emperor of, 44, 75
- Cogito, ergo sum, 18. See Descartes
- Coherence, 122, 123, 140
- Colors, 8-10, 34, 35, 138
- Concept, 52
- Constituents, 126
- Contradiction, law of, 72, 83
- Correspondence of belief and fact, 121 ff.
- Correspondence of sense-data and physical objects,
22, 24, 31, 33, 34, 37, 39
- Criterion, 140
- Critical philosophy, 82 ff.
- Deduction, 79
- Descartes, Erné, 18, 19, 73, 150
- Description, 45, 47, 52 ff., 109
- Divisibility, infinite, 146, 147
- Doubt, 17, 18, 25, 150
- Dreams, 19, 22, 110, 122
- Duration, 32
- Empiricists, 73-5, 86, 95
- Error, 110 119 ff., 139, 151
- Excluded middle, 72
- Existence, 100, knowledge of, 17 ff., 60, 73
- Experience: extended by descriptions, 59, 60, 148
immediate, 7, 18
- Facts, 136-8
- Falsehood, 120 ff. definition of, 1Z8
- Generalization, empirical, 78
- Geometry, 77, 84
- Hallucinations. See Dreams
- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 141
- Hume, David, 73, 83, 95, 97
- Ideas, 38 ff., 99
- abstract, 48, 95
- innate, 73
- platonic, 91-3
- Idealism, 37-45 defined, 37 grounds of, 38 ff.
- Idealists, 36
- Identity, law of, 72
- Induction, 60-9, 79, 107 principle of, 66, 67, 112
- Inference, logical and psychological, 134
- Infinity, 146, 147
- Innate ideas and principles. See Ideas
- Introspection, 49
- Kant, Immanuel, 81-90, 146
- Knowledge:
- by acquaintance and by description, 44-59, 108-9
- definition of, 131 ff., 159
- derivative, 109, 133-5
- indubitable? 7, 151
- intuitive, 109, 111-8, 133, 135 ff., 149
- of future, 60 ff.
- of general principles, 70-81, 84, 107
- of things and of truths, 44, 46, 108, 109, 144
- of universe, 26, 141, 155
- only of mental things? 41 ff.
- philosophical, 149, 154
- theory of, 38
- Laws, general, 63, 67, 74
- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 15, 16, 36, 73, 95
- Light, 28-9
- Locke, John, 73
- Logic, 71, 91, 123, 147-8
- Mathematics, 77, 84
- Matter, 12
- existence of, 13, 15, 17-26, 43
- nature of, 27-36
- Memory, 48, 114 ff.
- Mind, 13, 52 the only reality? 14. See also Idealists what is in the, 38 ff., 99
- Monad, 95
- Modadism, 95
- Monism, 95
- Motion, laws of, 61, 64
- Nature of a thing, 144
- Necessity, 78
- Object of apprehension, 41-3
of judgment, 126, 127
- Particular, 93
- Perception, 113-4, 117, 137
- Phenomenon, 86, 87
- Philosophy, value of, 153-161
uncertainty of, 154, 155
- Physical objects, 12, 19, 33, 34, 52, 85, 108
- Plato, 91 ff.
- Principles, general, 70-81
- Probable opinion, 139-40
- Probability, 62 ff., 73
- Proper names, 54 ff., 93
- Propositions, constituents of, 53, 54
- Qualities, 90, 95, 97, 101
- Rationalists, 73, 86
- Reality, 9 ff., 16
- Relations, 31, 32, 34, 97, 101 ff., 143-5 multiple, 123-7 sense of, 127
- Resemblance, 96, 102
- Self, 19, 50, 51, 87
- Self-consciousness, 50
- Self-evidence, 112-8 degrees of, 117, 138 two kinds of, 136 ff.
- Sensation, 12 85 86
- Sense-data, 12, 15-17, 21-4, 27, 30, 32-4, 46, 85, 137 certainty of, 18-21
- Shapes, 1O, 11, 33
- Solipsism, 21-4
- Space, 29 ff., 146
- Euclidean and non-Euclidean, 147
- physical, 29-33
- Spinoza, Baruch, 94, 95
- Subject, 126
- 'Thing in itself', 86
- 'Thought, Laws of', 72, 88, 89
- Three Dialogues between Hylas
and Philonous, in Opposition to Skeptics and
Atheists, 12
- Time, 32 ff., 87, 102, 146
- Touch, 11
- Truth, 119-130 Definition of, 128
- Uniformity of nature, 63
- Universals, 48, 52, 91-100, 148 knowledge of, 101-10, 137
- Verbs, 94
Chronology :
November 30, 1911 : Index -- Publication.
January 16, 2020 : Index -- Added.
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