Part 15 : Orbiter Dicta -------------------------------------------------------------------- People : ---------------------------------- Author : Gandhi Text : ---------------------------------- XV. ORBITER DICTA SOURCES A An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments with Truth: M.K. Gandhi : translated from Gujarati by Mahadev Desai :Navajivan Publishing House. Ahmedabad; vol. I, 1927; Vol. II, 1929; edition used: 1959 AA Asia and the Americas: Monthly Magazine published from New York. ABP Amrita Bazar Patrika: English daily published from Calcutta. AG Among the Great: Dilip Kumar Roy; introduction by S. Radhakrishnan; Nalanda Publication, Bombay, 1945; edition used; reprint: Jaico Publications, Bombay, 1950 AOA Ashram Observances in Action: Translated from Gujarati by V.G. Desai ; Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad,1955. BC The Bombay Chronicle: Daily newspaper published from Bombay. CP Constructive Program: Its Meaning and place; M. K. Gandhi; Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1941; edition used: 1948. EF The Epic Fast : Pyarelal; Mohanlal Maganlal Bhatt; Ahmedabad, 1932. ER Ethical Religion: Mahatma Gandhi; translated from Hindi by B. Rama Iyer; S. Ganesan, Madras,1930. FYM From Yeravda Mandir: Ashram Observance: M.K. Gandhi; translated by V. G. Desai ; Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1933; edition used:1957. GCG Gandhiji’s Correspondence with the Government, 1942–44: Navajivan publishing House, Ahmedabad ; April, 1945. GIV Gandhiji in Indian Village: Mahadev Desai; S. Ganesan, Madras, 1927. H Harijan :(1933–1956) English weekly journal founded by Gandhiji and published under the auspices of the Harijan Sevak Sangh, Poona, and from 1942, by the Navajivan Trust, Ahmedabad. The weekly suspended publication in 1940 during the “Individual Satyagraha”; resumed in January 1942, but stopped appearing during the Quit India Struggle. It reappeared in 1946. HS Hind Swaraj or Indian Home rule: Mahatma Gandhi; Navajivan Publishing House. Ahmedabad, 1938; edition used:1958. HSt The Hindusthan Standard: Daily newspaper published from Calcutta. Hu The Hindu: Daily newspaper published from Calcutta. ICS India’s case for Swaraj: Edited by W. P. Kabadi: Yeshanand & Co., Bombay, 1932 KH key to Health: M. K. Gandhi; Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1948. L The Leader: Daily newspaper published from Ahmedabad. M Mahatma: Life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: D. G. Tendulkar; Vithalbhai K. Jhaveri and D. G. Tendulkar, Bombay 1951–54, 8 Volumes. MGI Mahatma Gandhi’s Ideas: C.F. Andrews; George Allen, London, 1929. MGLP Mahatma Gandhi: The Last Phase: Pyarelal; Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad; Vol. I, February 1956; Vol. II, February 1958. MI Medium of Instruction: M. K. Gandhi; edited by Bharatan Kumarappa; Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1954. MKG M. K. Gandhi: An Indian Patriot in South Africa: By J. J. Doke; introduction by Lord Ampthill; The London Indian Chronicle, London, 1909. MN My Nonviolence: M. K. Gandhi; edited by Sailesh Kumar Bandopadhyaya; Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1960. MR The Modern Review: monthly journal published from Calcutta. MS My Socialism: M. K. Gandhi; compiled by R. K. Prabhu; Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1959. N Navajivan (1919–1931): Gujarati weekly, with occasional bi-weekly issues; first issued on September 7, 1919; edited by Gandhiji and published from Ahmedabad. NWWP Nonviolent Way to World Peace: M. K. Gandhi; compiled by R. K. Prabhu; Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1959. RCPS Report of the Commission Appointed by the Punjab Sub-committee of the Indian National Congress: published by K. Santhanam, Lahore, 1920. S Sabarmati: A Report of the Annual Meeting of the Federation of International Fellowships, 1929. Sp The Spectator: weekly issued from London. SL Satyagraha Leaflets: Occasionally issued during March-May 1919,from Bombay. SSA Satyagraha in South Africa: M. K. Gandhi; translated by V. G. Desai,, Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1928; edition used: 1950. SW Speeches and Writings of Mahatma Gandhi: G. A. Natesan & Co., Madras, 1933, 4th edition. TI The Times of India : Daily newspaper published from Bombay. TNH Towards New Horizons: Pyarelal; reprinted from Mahatma Gandhi; The Last Phase; Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1959. WGC With Gandhiji in Ceylon: edited by Mahadev Desai; S. Ganesan, Madras, 1928. YI Young India: (1919–1932) English weekly journal, published from Bombay as a bi-weekly, under Gandhiji’s supervision from May 7, 1919, and as a weekly from Ahmedabad, with Gandhiji as editor from October 8, 1919. CHRONOLOGY Year/Month Date Event 1869 Oct 2 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi born of a Bania (Vaishya or trading caste) family at Porbunder, Kathiawar, the youngest of the three sons of Karamchand ALIAS Kaba Gandhi, prime Minister successively in Porbunder, Rajkot and Vankaner States, and his fourth wife Putlibai. 1876 Ges to Rajkot with parents; attend primary school there till twelfth year; is betrothed to Kasturbai, daughter of Gokuldas Makanji, merchant. 1881 Enters high school at Rajkot. 1883 Marries Kasturbai. 1884–85 Takes to meat-eating in secret, but abandons habit after about a year to avoid deceiving his parents. 1887 Passes matriculations examinations; joins Samaldas College at Bhavnagar (Kathiawar), but gives up studies at close of first term. 1888 Sept 4 Sails for England Oct 28 Reaches London Lives on vegetarian diet. Takes lessons in dancing and music for a short time, thinking they are necessary parts of a gentleman’s equipment 1889 Reads books on simple living and decides to reduce expenses by half; studies religious literature; reads Gita for first time and is deeply impressed. 1890 Cultivates contacts with vegetarian movement; for short while conducts vegetarian club. June passes London Matric Sept joins Vegetarian Society. 1891 June 10 Called to the Bar 12 Sails for India. July Reaches Bombay. Nov Applies for admission to Bombay High Court. 1892 struggles with legal practice at Rajkot and Bombay; later settles down at former place as legal draftsman. 1893 April leaves for South Africa, being engaged by a Muslim firm for legal work May-June Experience color bar in various forms; decides to remain and fight race prejudice. 1894 Aug 22 Founds Natal Indian Congress Sept Enrolled as Advocate of Supreme Court of Natal, being first Indian to be so enrolled. Studies religious literature including the Bible, the Koran and Tolstoy’s The kingdom of god is within you. 1895 Gets more committed to south African Indian cause. issues The Indian Franchise : An appeal to Every Briton in South Africa. 1896 July Returns to India and starts agitation on behalf of south African Indians. Aug 14 Publishes The Green Pamphlet at Rajkot, Tours Bombay, madras, Poona and Calcutta educating Indians in regard to grievances of south African Indians Nov 30 Sails for South Africa with wife and children. 1897 Jan 13 Mobbed on landing at Durban by crowd excited by reports of his speeches in India on conditions of indentured Indian labor in South Africa. 20 Declines to prosecute assailants. April 6 Submits long memorial to Chamberlain, secretary of State for colonies, regarding landing incidents, background. Carries on program of petitioning local and Imperial Authorities, as well as ofcommunicating with British and Indian public men regarding discriminatory laws. 1898–99 Represents to Indian National Congress, Colonial and Imperial authorities, against Locations and restrictions on Indian’s trading rights. 1899 Raises Indian Ambulance Corps in Boer War, which goes into action and is mentioned in dispatches; awarded war medal. 1990 Sends Dadabhai Naoroji draft resolution on South African Indian problem, for Congress session 1901 Oct 18 Sails for India Dec 14 Reaches Rajkot via Porbunder. 27 Moves resolution on South Africa at congress 1902 Jan, 28 Feb Visits Rangoon Stays for a month with Gokhale at Calcutta. Returns to Rajkot, settles down to Practice. July 1 Shifts to and sets up practice at Bombay Nov Is called to south Africa to champion Indian’s cause against anti-Asiatic legislation in Transvaal. Dec Arrives in Durban : leadsdelegation to chamberlain 1903 Enrolled as Attorney of Supreme Court of Transvaal; founds Transvaal British Indian Association. Sends weekly statements regarding situation to Dadabhai Naoroji June Indian opinion commences publication 1904 Reads Ruskin’s Unto This Last: founds Phenix Settlement near Durban (Natal); organizes hospital during outbreak of plague in Johannesburg; writes series of articles in Gujarati on dietetics which are later translated into English and published under the title Guide to Health. 1905 Opposes Bengal Partition, supports boycott of British goods. During Gokhale, Lajpat Rai deputation to Britain, appeals to Colonial statement to treat India, ‘an integral part of the Empire’, with consideration. Leads deputation to Lord Selborne, British High Commissioner, concerning Transvaal Indian problem. 1906 May 12 Support ‘home rule’ for India ‘in the name of justice and for good of humanity’ 27 Writes to brother, Lakshmidas, declaring disinterestedness in worldly possessions. June-July Raises Indian Stretcher-bearer Corps in Zulu Rebellion; takes vow of Brahmacharya for life. Sept 11 Addresses mass meeting of Indian sat Johannesburg, which takes oath of passive resistance against newly promulgated Transvaal Asiatic Law Amendment Ordinance. Oct, 21 Nov 30 18 In England on deputation to present Indian’s case to Colonial Secretary Dec. Returns to South Africa. 1907 Jan- Feb. Writes series of 8 articles in Gujarati on “Ethical Religion”, published weekly in Indian Opinion and later, as a book March Asiatic Registration Act passed in Transvaal Parliament. Indians hold protect meetings. April Sees smuts at Pretoria, acquaints him with resolutions adopted at mass meeting. Pledge, in Indian Opinion, opposition to‘ Black Act’. May ‘Black Act’ receives royal assent July Address mass meeting opposing ‘Black Act’ Aug Writes to Smuts criticizing Registration Act, suggesting amendments. Passive resistance, picketing of Permit Offices; defends passive resisters in court. Dec Smuts decides to prosecute Gandhiji 1908 Jan 8 Asks Government for suspension of Registration act, offers voluntary registration. 10 Adopt word;‘ Satyagraha’ in place of ‘Passive Resistance’. Sentenced to 2 months imprisonment for failure to leave Transvaal. 21 Agrees to settlement on basis of voluntary registration, if registration Act is repealed. 30 Summoned to see General Smuts at Pretoria and released, on reaching a compromise. Feb 10 Nearly killed by Pathans who regard the compromise, under which Indians are expected to give their finger –prints voluntarily, as a betrayal of Indian interests; refuses to prosecute his assailants. March-June Negotiates with Smuts forfulfillment of promise of repeal of Act which Smuts denies; July Corresponding with Smuts released; Indians in mass meeting decide to refuse thumb impression and burn registration certificates Aug Declares use of violence ‘harmful, even useless to uproot British rule’ in India. Appeals to Smuts to repeal ‘Black Act’. Registration certificates burnt at meetings, passive resistance resumed Sept Royal assent is given to amended Registration Act. Smuts refuses Indian terms for settlement Oct 15 Arrested and sentenced sentenced to 2 months rigorous imprisonment Dec 12 Released from Volksrust Jail. Indian National Congress adopts resolution on South Africa, criticizing the harsh, humiliating and cruel treatment of British Indians in South Africa as injurious to British Empire. 1909 Jan 16 Arrested at Volksrust for failing to produce registration certificate; on deportation, returned and is re-arrested, but released on bail. 20 Writes to press calling on Indians to prepare for final phase of struggle Feb 25 Arrested at Volksrust; sentenced to 3 months May 2 Transferred topretoria Central Jail 24 released. June 21 Leaves with Haji Habib, on deputation to England to represent Indian case. July 10 Arrives in London. With the assistance of Lord Ampthill, works ceaselessly to educate influential British leaders, the public, and to move Imperial authorities. Oct 1 Writes to Tolstoy regarding Passive Resistance movement. Nov 9 The times reports failure of Gandhi Government negotiations on Transvaal laws. 10 Replies to Tolstoy, sends his biography by Doke. 13 Leaves England for South Africa Writes Hind Swaraj on board “s. s. Kildonan Castle” 30 Reaches South Africa Dec 29 Congress at Lahore adopts resolution praising Indian’s struggle in South Africa, urging ban on indenture. 1910 April 4 Sends Tolstoy copy of Indians Home Rule, seeks comments May 8 Tolstoy replies; question of passive Resistance of greatest importance not only for India but for humanity. 30 Founds Tolstoy Farm Dec 4 Pays memorial tribute to Tolstoy 1911 Jan Communicates with Smuts regarding amendments to Immigrants’ Restrictions Bill; latter assures; no color bar taint in laws March 27 Interviews smuts atCape town April 22 Smuts agrees to assurances demanded by Indians in reciprocation of suspension of Passive Resistance movement May 3 Meets Smuts: ‘ProvisionalSettlement” arrived on Smuts’ promise of repeal of Asiatic Registration and Immigrations’ Restriction Acts’ June 24 Pledges loyalty to King-emperor on coronation Dec 8 Invites Gokhale to South Africa 1912 March 16 Commends Gokhale’s attempts for abolition of indenture system Sept 12 Phenix Trust is set up Oct 22 Accompanies Gokhale, on tour of South Africa, Laurenco Marques, Mozambique and Zanzibar. Gives up European dress and milk and restricts himself to diet of fresh and dried fruit. 1913Jan 18 Refers in Indian Opinion to the possibility of return home to India by mid-year. March 14 Indian marriages in South Africa invalidated by Searle’s Supreme Court judgment. 30 Indians in mass meeting protest against Searle Judgment April 12 In Indian opinion draws attention to new Immigration Bill’s failure to fulfill terms of Provisional Settlement of 1911. Kasturba decides to join passive Resistance struggle. May 19 Warns Government of certainty of revival of movement if it fails to grant promised relief. June 7 Idea of return to India deferred in view of stringent application of discriminatory laws and likely resumption of satyagraha 27 Express readiness for negotiations Sept 13 Announces negotiation “proved abortive 15 Passive Resistance is revived 16 Kasturba is arrested Oct 17 Visits Newcastle; urges indentured Indians to cease work till repeal of £ 3 tax. 3000 minor strike 24 proposes ‘March’ into Transvaal 28 ‘March’ from Newcastle begins 30 Reaches Charlestown Nov 3 Announces ‘March’ into Transvaal to court arrest 5 Telephones Smuts seeking assurance of repeal of £ 3 tax 6 Leads ‘ Great March’ Arrested at Palmford 7 At Volksrust, released on bail; rejoin Marchers 8 Arrested at Standerton; released on recognizance; ‘March’ continues 9 Arrested at Teakworth, taken to Balfour 10 Takes ‘one meal a day’ pledge till repeal of tax 11 Sentenced, at Dundee, to 9 months’ rigorous imprisonment 13 Removed to Volksrust jail 14 Sentenced to 3 months on fresh count at Volksrust Dec 18 Released unconditionally; from time of release till settlement take only one meal a day and puts on indentured laborer’s dress. 1914 Jan 13,16 Interviews Smuts, submits proposals 22 Suspends satyagraha following agreement with Smuts. Fourteen day’s penitential fast for moral lapse of inmates of Farm June Indian Relief Act is passed July 18 Sails for England, EN ROUTE to India Aug 4 Reaches London. Raises Indian Volunteer Corps Oct volunteer corps on duty Dec 19 Sails for India 1915 Jan 9 Reaches India. Awarded Kaiser-I-Hind Gold Medal for Ambulance services May 20 Founds Satyagraha Ashram (later known as Sabarmati Ashram, after the name of the river) at Ahmedabad 1915–16 Tours India and Burma, traveling 3rd class on the railways 1917 Successfully agitates against indentured Indian emigration; idea of making use of spinning-wheel to produce hand-made cloth on large scale takes root in his mind April Ges to Champaran (Bihar) to investigate conditions of labor in indigo plantations; arrested and later released; appointed by Bihar Government as member of committee set up t o inquire into ryots’ grievances. 1918 Jan-March Takes up cause of textile laborers of Ahmedabad and fasts to secure amicable settlement of dispute; initiates satyagraha in Kaira District (Bombay) to secures suspension of revenue assessment on failure of crops April 27 Attends Viceroy’s War Conference at Delhi and addresses it in Hindustani; subsequently tours Kaira District to raise recruits for army 1919Feb 28 Signs Satyagraha pledge to secure withdrawal of Rowlatt Bills. April 6 inaugurates all-India satyagraha movement ; countrywide HARTAL 8–11 Arrested on way to Delhi for refusal to co, ply with order not to enter Punjab; escorted back to Bombay; outbreaks of violence in several towns. 13 Jallianwala Bagh tragedy at Amritsar, troops firing on an unarmed crowd and killing over 400. Addresses public meeting near Sabarmati Ashram and declares three day’s penitential fast 14 Confesses at Nadiad his ‘Himalayan miscalculation’ regarding satyagraha martial law declared in Punjab. 18 Suspends satyagraha. Sept Assumes editorship of the Gujarati monthly, Navajivan, later published weekly in Hindi also Oct Assumes editorship of the English weekly, Young India; joins non-official committee of inquiry into official excesses in Punjab Nov 24 presides over all-India Khilafat Conference at Delhi Dec Advises acceptance of Montague-Chelmsford Reforms by Congress at Amritsar. 1920Jan Leads deputation to Viceroy to press on British Government not to deprive Sultan of Turkey (who was also Khalifa of Muslim) of his suzerainty over Holy Places of Islam. Aug 1 Address letter to Viceroy surrendering Kaiser-I-Hind Medal, Zulu War Medal and Boer War Medal Sept Special session of Indian National Congress at Calcutta accepts his program of non-cooperation to secure redress of Punjab and Khilafat wrongs Nov Founds Gujarat Vidyapeeth at Ahmedabad Dec Nagpur Congress session adopts his resolution declaring object of Congress to be attainment of Swaraj by the people of India by all legitimate and peacefully means 1921April Launches program of enlisting a crore of members in Congress, raising a crore of rupees for Tilak Swaraj fund and setting up 20 lakhs of charkhas in the country in furtherance of national constructive movement Aug Leads campaign for complete boycott of foreign cloth and light s monster bonfire of foreign cloth in Bombay Dec Invested with full dictatorial powers by Congress session at Ahmedabad 1922Feb 1 Gives notice to Viceroy of Intention to launch satyagraha campaign in Bardoli (Gujarat). 5 Following Chauri Chaura (UP) tragedy, in which 21 police constables and one sub-inspector were burnt to death by a mob, fasts for five days and abandons plan of satyagraha movement March 10 Arrested for sedition at Sabarmati and sentenced (march 18) to six years imprisonment. 1924Jan-Feb Operated on for appendicitis in Sassoon Hospital, Poona (jan.12) and released on Feb 5. April Resumes editorship of Young India and Navajivan. Sept 18 Begins 21 day’s fast for Hindu-Muslim unity. Dec Provides over Congress session at Belgaum. 1925Sept Founds All-India Spinner’s Association Nov Seven days vicarious fast for misdeeds of Ashram inmates. Commences writing his autobiography,‘The story of my Experiments with Truth’. 1927Nov Visits Ceylon 1928Dec Moves resolution at Calcutta Congress session in favor of Independence if Dominion Status in not granted by end of 1929. 1929Dec At his instance Lahore Congress session declares that Swaraj in Congress creed shall mean Purna Swaraj (complete independence). 1930Feb Appointed by A.I.C.C. as Congress Dictator to launch Civil Disobedience movement. March 2 Addresses letter to Victory intimating his intention to break Salt law if Congress demands are not conceded 12 Commences march to Dandi sea-beach, where he ceremoniously picks up salt (April 6). May 5 Arrested and imprisoned without trial; HARTAL all over India; over 100,000 are jailed before close of year 1931Jan 26 Unconditionally released from prison Feb-march Has series of talks with Viceroy resulting in Irwin-Gandhi Pact Aug 29 sails for England as sole Congress delegate to Second Round Table Conference. Sept-Dec Attends session of Conference Dec 5 Leaves England for India 28 lands in Bombay 1932 Jan 4 Arrested and imprisoned without trial Sept 20 commences ‘ fast unto death’ in jail to secure abolition of separate electorates for Harijans in communal Award 26 Breaks fast on Government of India’s acceptance of his demand regarding Harijans 1933 Feb, 11 Founds the weekly paper Harijan, published in English and Hindi May 8 Commences at noon 21 days fast for self purification; released unconditionally at 9 p.m. 9 Announces suspension of Civil Disobedience movement for six weeks and calls on the Government to withdraw its Ordinances 29 Breaks fast. July 26 Disbands Satyagraha Ashram 30 Informs Government of Bombay of his decision to March from Ahmedabad to Ras with 33 followers to revive Civil Disobedience Movement 31 Arrested and imprisoned without trial Aug 4 Released and rearrested for breaking a restraint order 16 Ges on fast on being denied facilities to carry on anti-untouchability propaganda 23 Released unconditionally Nov 7 commences Harijan-uplift tour 1934Sept 17 Announces decision to retire from politics from October 1 to engage himself in development of village industries, Harijan service and education through basic crafts Oct 26 Inaugurates All-India Village Industries Association. 1936April 30 Settles down at Sevagram, a village near Wardha in the Central Provinces, making it his headquarters 1937Oct 22 Presides over Educational Conferences at Wardha and outlines his scheme of education through basis crafts 1939 March 3 Commences ‘fast unto death’ at Rajkot to secure Ruler’s adherence to promise given to reform administration, and ends it on March 7 on Viceroy’s intervention 1940 July&Sept Meets viceroy by invitation in connection with war situation Oct Sanctions individual civil disobedience; suspends Harijan and allied weeklies following official demand for pre-censorship of reports and writing in Harijan on the subject of Satyagraha. 1941Dec 30 At his own request is relieved of his leadership of Congress by Working Committee. 1942Jan 18 Restarts Harijan and allied weeklies March 27 Meets Sir Stafford Cripps in New Delhi; later declares Cripps proposals to be a ‘postdated check’. May Appeals to British Government to quit India Aug 8 Addresses A.I.C.C. session in Bombay on implication of Quit India resolution. 9 Arrested and interned in Agakhan’s palace at Poona 15 Death of Mahadev Desai, Gandhiji’s personal secretary, from heart failure, in Aga Khan’s palace Aug-Dec Corresponds with Viceroy and Government of India regarding disturbances 1943Feb 10 Commences 21 days fast, which he breaks on march 3 1944Feb 22 Kasturba Gandhi dies in Aga Khan palace May 6 Released unconditionally Sept 9–27 Carries on talks with M.A. Jinnah regarding Pakistan Oct 2 Presentation of purse of 110lakhs of rupees (£ 8,25,000) for Kasturba Memorial on occasion of 75thbirthday 1945 April 17 In a statement regarding the ensuing San Francisco Conference says that peace is impossible without equality and freedom of India. Also demands a just peace for Germany and Japan. Dec 19 Lays foundation stone of C.F. Andrews’ Memorial Hospital at Santiniketan. 1945-46Dec-Jan Tour Bengal and Assam 1946 Jan& Feb tours Southern India for anti-untouchability and Hindustani Propaganda. Feb 10 Revives Harijan and allied group of weekly journals. April Participates in political talks with Cabinet Mission in Delhi May 5–12 In Simla; Simla Conference in session; deliberations prove infructuous 16 Cabinet mission announces Plan 18–19 Discusses Plan with Cabinet mission 26 Considers Plan best document produced by British Government under circumstances. June 6 In Mussoorie 7 Returns to Delhi. 10 Refuses to enthuse over Allied Victory as not being ‘Victory of truth over falsehood’. 11 Viceroy interviews Gandhiji, moots proposal of coalition Government at Center 16 Cabinet Mission negotiations discontinued; Viceroy proposes Interim Government. 18 Congress Working Committee decides to accept interim Government scheme. 20–1 Attends Working Committee meeting. Gandhiji is seen by Cripps 23 Advices Congress not to enter Interim Government, but only Constituent Assembly 24 Meets Cabinet Mission 28 Leaves Delhi forPoona; attempts made to derail train EN ROUTE July 7 Address A.I.C.C. meeting at Bombay; Congress accepts Cabinet Mission Plan of May 16. 31 Jinnah threatens sanctions of ‘Direct Action’ Aug 12 Viceroy announces invitation to Congress to form Provisional Government. Aug 16–18 The ‘Great Calcutta Killing’ 24 Viceroy Wavell broadcasts Plan 27 Gandhiji cables warning to British Government against repetition of ‘Bengal tragedy’; also writes to Wavell Sept 4 Interim Government formed 26 Has interview with Wavell Oct 9 Jinnah’s 9-point demands conveyed to Congress 10 Noakhali Massacre 15 Muslim League agrees to enter Interim Government 28 Leaves for Calcutta. Riots breaks out in Bihar Nov 6 Leaves for Noakhali; issues statement on ‘Partial Fast’. Noakhali tour begins. 20 Starts tour without party Dec 20 Completes month-long sojourn at Srirampur 25 At Noakhali, says :“I am being tested through and through”. 30 Jawaharlal Nehru calls on Gandhiji, who says: “my reason wholly supports my heart 1947 Jan 2 Says: “all around me is utter darkness”. Leaves Srirampur on walking tour 3–29 In Bihar, touring riot-affected areas 30 Leaves Patna for Delhi April 1–2 Gandhiji addresses Asian Relation Conference in Delhi 15 Issues with Jinnah joint appeal for communal peace 29 In Bihar May 1 Congress Working Committee accepts Partition in principle. 5 In interview, Gandhiji denies that communal division of India is inevitable 24 Leaves Bihar for Delhi 31 Declares peace must precede Partition, he would not be party to India’s vivisection. June 2 Viceroy’s Partition plan revealed; Congress Working Committee conveys acceptance. 3 Indian leader broadcast on Mountbatten Plan 6 Gandhiji writes to Mountbatten, with Pakistan conceded to persuade Jinnah to amicable settle all outstanding points with Congress 12 Addresses Congress Working Committee July ‘Independence of India Bill passed’ 27 Appeals to Princes to regard people’s paramountcy as a privilege August 14 Hails following day as one of rejoicing for deliverance from British bondage; but deplores partition. Pakistan is born Aug 15 Hindu-Muslim fraternization in Calcutta 16 Hails ‘Miracle of Calcutta’ Sept 1 Considers Calcutta peace nine-days wonder, decides on fast 2 Is mobbed in Calcutta house ;gives up idea of Noakhali visit. Peace efforts intensified 4 Breaks fast 7 Leaves Calcutta for Delhi; commences daily visits to riot-raced areas. 24 Pakistan raiders invade Kashmir. 25 Kashmir accedes to Indian Union 26 Criticizes Churchill’s holocaust in India’ statement Nov 1 Indian troops enter Junagadh 3 Junagadh accedes to India. Address A.I.C.C 11 Defends Junagadh’s accession to India Dec 25 Pleads for amicable settlement between India and Pakistan 30 India refers Kashmir dispute to U.N. 1948 12 Decides to fast for communal peace in Delhi; Mountbatten fails to dissuade Gandhiji. 15 Enters ‘danger zone’. Hails Indian Cabinet’s decision to release Pakistan dues of Rs. 550 million. Fast continues for establishment of communal peace. 17 Doctors warn fast must be ended. Central Peace Committee formed, decides on ‘Peace Pledge’ 18 Peace Committee signs, presents ‘Peace Pledge’ to Gandhiji, who breaks fast. 20 Bomb explodes at prayer meeting 27 Visits Mehrauli Muslim Fair 29 Angry refugees ask Gandhiji to retire to the Himalayas 30 Drafts constitution of a Congress transformed into Lok Sevak Sangh. Is assassinated on way to evening prayer. GLOSSARY Advaita Hindu philosophy of Monism or Non-dualism Agiari Zoroastrian fire-temple Ahimsa Nonviolence; in its positive aspect-love for all living things. Allah Muslim name of God Amanitvam humility Aparigraha non-possession Ardhangini woman; the ‘better half’. Ashram abode of spiritual teacher; place for disciplined community living; stage of life. Asoka Indian monarch of 3rd century B.C. famed for his renunciation of empire and conquest and for his rock-edicts embodying Buddhist dharma. Atishudra One lower than the shudra, the fourth caste at the bottom of Hindu social hierarchy; ‘untouchable’. Atman soul Avatar literally, a ‘descent’; incarnation of a deity, especially of Vishnu in the Hindu Trinity. Bansi bamboo flute as of the divine cowherd, Sri Krishna. Bardoli Gujarat village, connected with the Civil Disobedience Movement Bhagwadgita (see ‘The Gita’) Bhakti devotion. Bhangi scavenger; sweeper. Bharat Mata Mother India. Bibhishan brother of Ravana, in the Ramayana, known for his wise counsel. Bhogabhumi Land of enjoyment Brahma Hindu name of God the Creator, one of the Trinity. Brahmachari A celibate; one who observes Brahmacharya. Brahmacharya celibacy; code of conduct involving strict observance of chastity or continence in the pursuit of learning, philosophy and God. Brahman, Brahmin member of the first of the four castes, whose chief duty is the study and teaching of the Vedas and the performance of sacrifices and other religious rituals. Buddha a. founder of Buddhism, b. about 563, d. about 483 B.C; also known as Gautama, Siddhartha, Sakyamuni, etc. Chaitanya Bengali religious reformer of the 15th century A.D. who is worshiped by his followers as an incarnation of Sri Krishna. Chakki Grinding wheel or mill. Chapati Thin flat cakes made of flour; unleavened bread. Charkha Spinning-wheel. Dandi March March undertaken by Gandhiji from March 12 to April 5, 1930, from his Sabarmati Ashram to the coastal village of Dandi, about 100 miles distant, with a view to breaking the Salt Law by picking upnatural salt from the sea-shore. His arrest at Dandi was followed by a countrywide movement of Civil Disobedience famous as the Salt Satyagraha. Damayanti Princess of Vidarbha and wife of Prince Nala of Naishadha, the constancy of whose devotion to each other forms the theme of a well-known episode in the Puranas. Daridranarayana God in the form of the poor and the destitute. Dasharatha King of Ayodhya, father of Rama, in the Ramayana. Dayanand Swami Dayanand Saraswati (1824–83), founder of the Arya Samaj. Dharma religion; law of one’s being; righteousness; Hindu code of religion and morals or religious and moral duty. Dharmaja one born from a sense of duty. Dharmayuddha war fought for a righteous end by righteous means and methods. Dheds a community in Gujarat traditionally treated as ‘untouchable’. Dhurna ‘sit-down’ strike; an early and crude form of Satyagraha. Dnyandev boy poet-saint of Maharashtra of the 13th century A.D., author of Dnyaneshwari, a Marathi commentary on the Gita; also spelt as Dnyaneshwar or Jnaneshwar. Draupadi consort of the Pandava Princes, in the Mahabharata. Dublas a backward shudra community of Gujarat Duryodhana Head of the Kaurava Princes, in the Mahabharata. Dyer British General who fired on an unarmed assembly in Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, on April 13, 1919, killing over 400 people. Ganga the sacred river Ganges of Northern India. Ganja narcotic from the flower of Indian hemp. Ghani village oil mill. Gita, the The ‘Song Celestial’; a Hindu scriptural work in sanskrit verse, composed some centuries before the Christian era, in which Sri Krishna sums up the essence of Hindu religion and philosophy. Ghee clarified butter. Gokhale Gopal Krishna Gokhale (1866–1915), Indian politician, member of the Viceroy’s Legislative Council and founder of the Servants of India Society, whom Gandhiji acknowledged as his political guru. Goonda a rowdy or hooligan. Goondaism rowdyism Gopal cowherd; a name of Sri Krishna. Gur jaggery, indigenous form of sugarmolasses Guru teacher; preceptor. Goseva service of the cattle; cow-protection.. Gram Panchayat village tribune or ‘council of five’. Gramseva village service. Gram sevak person employed in village service. Hakim practitioner of indigenous form of medicine. Hanuman The ‘Monkey-God’ who serves Rama in the Ramayana. Hartal strike, suspension of normal business. Hooghli western most branch of the River Ganges on the banks of which Calcutta is situated. Ishopanishad one of the major Upanishads. Jainism ancient Indian religion, one of the cardinal principles of which is nonviolence. Jains followers of Jainism. Janak philosopher-king of Videha, foster-father of Sita, in the Ramayana. Kabir poet-saint of northern India, who lived in the 15th century A.D. and who, in his devotional songs, dwelt on the essential oneness of the Godhead and the harmony between Hinduism and Islam. Kamaja one born of lust. Karmabhumi land of duty. Karmayogi one who has devoted his life to action in the selfless service of others. Khaddar, Khadi hand-spun and hand-woven cloth. Kisan peasant. Koran Muslim scripture. Krishna divine hero and central figure of the epic, Mahabharata, who is worshiped by the Hindus as the 8th incarnation of God. Kshatriya member of the second (warrior) caste among Hindus. Lila, leela divine play or sport; the creation is often explained by the Vaishnavas as the leela of God, a conception that introduces elements of spontaneity and freedom into the universe. Lok Sevak Sangh Society or association for the service of the people. Mahabharata, the Hindu epic having for its theme the story of the great war between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, princes of the Lunar race who were cousins, rival claimants to the throne of Hastinapur, (ancient Delhi). Mhatma Great Soul, title given to Gandhiji. Mahavir Vardhamana. 24th Tirthankar or Prophet of Jainism (b. about 540, d. about 468 B.C.) who is popularly regarded as its greatest promulgator, originally named Mhayajna the great sacrifice or ritual of propitiation. mantra, Mantram sacred or magicalincantation. Manushya man. Maya illusion; in Hindu philosophy, Maya is the divine power which has created the cosmos. Moksha liberation from earthly bondage. Muni sage; ancient seer. Nai Talim literally, ‘new education’, name given to basic or craft education. Namaz form of Muslim prayer, worship. Nanak Fonder of Sikhism (b.1469-d.1538 or 1539 A.D.) Nirvana Salvation, Buddhist equivalent of ‘Moksa’ Pancha, Panchayat the five ; the communal tribune or ‘council of five’ Panchayat Raj rule of the Panchayat Pandavas the five brothers, prices of the Lunar Race, who were the victor in the Maharashtra war Pinjrapoles institutions for looking after old and disabled cattle Poorna Swaraj full self-government or complete independence Prahlad son of Hiranyakashipu, amythological demon king; Prahlad’s worship of Vishnu led to persecution by his father who was ultimately slain by Narasimha, the ‘ Man-Lion’ avatar of Vishnu Pritam Pritamdas, Gujarati poet of the 16th century A.D. who composed numerous devotional songs Raj kingdom, rule, regime Rajachandra, Raychandbhai Jain saint and philosopher, contemporary of Gandhiji, whom the latter acknowledged as his spiritual GURU. He died in 1900 Ram, Rama hero of the epic, RAMAYANA, who is regarded by Hindus as an ideal man and king, and worshiped as the 7 thin carnation of God Ramakrishna Bengali saint (1836–86 A.D.) who was the GURU of Swami Vivekananda and who taught the oneness of the Godhead and the basic harmony of all religions. The Ramakrishna Mission is named after him Ramayana literally, the name of Rama; recitation of God’s names Ramanuja Vaishnava scholar of the 12th century, who propounded Dualistic philosophy Ramarajya Hindu epic narrating the story of the abduction of Sita, wife of Rama, prince of Ayodhya, by Ravana, demon-king of Lanka (Ceylon), and her rescue after the conquest of Lanka by the armies led by Rama and the death of Ravana at Rama’s hands Ramji Mandir Rama’s temple Ravana the demon-king of Lanka, whose abduction of Sita, led to his destruction at Rama’s hands, in the Ramayana Sadavrat charity Sahadharmin wife Samagra Gramseva all-round village service Samskaras innate tendencies inherited from past life, religious customs Sanatanist faithful follower of ancient Vedic religion Sannyas abandonment of all worldly ties with a view to fixing the mind on the Supreme Being Sannyasi one who has taken to SANYAS Sarvodaya welfare of all Satvika tending to truth Satya truth Satyagraha recourse to truth-force or soul-force Satygrahi one who practices Satyagraha Savitri wife of Satyavan who according to legend, reclaimed his life from the God of Death Shankara Hindu philosopher of the 8thcentury A.D. who was one of the foremost exponents of Non-dualism of the Vedanta school of philosophy. Shastras the Hindu scriptures Shloka metrical verse or composition Shudra member of the fourth or menial caste among Hindus Sita wife of Rama Smritis the Codes, based on recollection of the Shastras Sthitaprajna literally, ‘one of steadfast mind’ ; a soul unaffected by extremes of joy and sorrow Sudama the indigent boyhood friend and associate of Shri Krishna, whom the latter hours, in the BHAGAVATA Surdas blind Hindi poet of northern India wholived in the 16th century A.D.; his poetical work, Sursagar, narrating thestory of Krishna, is immensely popular with Hindi-speaking Hindus Swadeshi belonging to or made in one’s own country Swargarohan Parva the name of the last of the eighteen sections of the epic MAHABHARATA which describes how, when Yudhisthira, the eldest of the five Pandava brothers, retired to the Himalayas, towards the close of his life, and lost his wife and four brothers one after another, Indra appeared in his chariot to take him in the flesh to his (Indra’s) SWARGA, i.e, his heaven where mortals after death enjoy the results of their good deeds on earth, Tadgud Jaggery prepared from the juice of palmyra fruit Tapascharya penance Tilaks caste-marks on the forehead Tukaram poet-saint of Maharashtra who lived in the 17th century A. D. and who composed thousands of devotional songs Tulsidas Hindi poet of northern India who lived in the 16th century A.D. and who composed, among other works, Ramacharitamanasa, (lit. The Holy Pool of the Life of Rama), retelling the epic story of the exploits of Rama. This work is held in the highest veneration by all Hindi-speaking Hindus Upanishads ancient Hindu philosophical treatises, appended to the Vedas and regarded as equally authoritative as the Vedas Vaidas practitioner of Ayurveda system of indigenous medicine Vaishyas members of the third (cultivator and mercantile) class among Hindus Valmiki first of Sanskrit poets and author of the Hindu epic, RAMAYANA Varna color ; one of the fourdivisions of Hindu society (i.e., Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra) based onhereditary occupations Varnashrama four-fold division of Hindu society Vedanta a system of philosophy springing from the Upanishads Vedas most ancient Hindu scriptures, composed of hymns to various deities. There are four collections of these hymns, known as Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda Vidura the low-born but ‘wise one’ in the MAHABHARATA honored by Sri Krishna Yajna ritual or religious sacrifice Yoga Hindu system of contemplation for effecting union of the human soul with the Supreme Being Yogi one who practices yoga Yudhishthira eldest of the Pandava Princes, celebrated for his right conduct Zamindar land holder Zend Avesta zoroastrian scriptures Zoroaster Founder of religious system known as Zoroastrianism. He is also known as Zarathustra or Zerdusht. The Parsis of India, who areemigrants from Persia, are followers of this prophet [1] Gandhiji’s idea of a transformed Congress was published in Harijan under the title “His Last Will and Testament”. From : Events : ---------------------------------- Part 15 -- Added : January 05, 2021 Part 15 -- Updated : January 17, 2022 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :