The Chicago Prisoners -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1887 People : ---------------------------------- Editor : Charlotte Wilson Tags : ---------------------------------- supreme court, american, comrades, court, correspondent, chicago, confinement, gloomy, state, question. Text : ---------------------------------- An American correspondent writes: "I have but recently returned from Chicago, where I left our comrades in good health; though confinement is telling somewhat upon them, they none exhibit any signs of weakness. The outlook for them is somewhat gloomy, I am afraid. We confidently expected a decision from the State Supreme Court ere this, and the delay is ominous. The September term will, however, settle the question, and whichever way it goes, Anarchy will reap the benefit." Another remarks: "What a giant mushroom-growth is the class privilege of this republic, when it costs the subjects of malicious aspersion 20,000 dollars to get a chance of a trial between them and the gallows, while a present of 100.000 dollars to a packed jury for their verdict against them is published with effrontery!" Our American friends are asking for help in meeting the heavy expense of the appeal to the Supreme Court of Illinois against the infamous death sentence passed upon our comrades for their opinions. We shall be very happy to forward any subscriptions which may be sent us for this purpose. Freedom: A Journal of Anarchist Socialism Vol. 1 -- No. 12, SEPTEMBER, 1887 Source: From : AnarchyArchives Events : ---------------------------------- The Chicago Prisoners -- Publication : September 01, 1887 The Chicago Prisoners -- Added : April 19, 2018 The Chicago Prisoners -- Updated : December 30, 2021 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :