The Agnostic -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1905 People : ---------------------------------- Author : Ross Winn Text : ---------------------------------- Says the Agnostic: “It may be so Across the sky God sets his bow Of promise, and each day and night Gems the Universe with light. But yet the angel of the darker gloom Has cast the shadow of a deeper doom Athwart the human heart and brain, Whose name is Death, pale priest of pain. Into this world, like a far flung lance, Man is thrust by love, or lust perchance; Opens his feeble eyes and utters a cry, Nor knows that his end here is to die! Within its prison of flesh and bone The soul dwells apart and alone; Flutters for a brief span ’twixt pleasure and pain, And, like the snuffed candle, goes out again. And whence he comes and whither he goes, Nobody answers—for nobody knows. Like a breath for a moment he blows in suspense, And is gone and forgotten in the shadowy hence. And the scent of the flower of the sweet-smelling rose That pleases our senses when the summer wind blows, Is less transient and fleeting than the thing we call life, That is born out of darkness and survives but by strife. From : Events : ---------------------------------- The Agnostic -- Publication : November 30, 1904 The Agnostic -- Added : April 27, 2020 The Agnostic -- Updated : January 04, 2022 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :