Chapter 5, Section 5.0 : Third Period. — Competition -------------------------------------------------------------------- 18461846 People : ---------------------------------- Author : Pierre-Joseph Proudhon Text : ---------------------------------- Proudhon, Pierre Joseph. System of Economical Contradictions: or, the Philosophy of Misery Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library Chapter 5 CHAPTER V. THIRD PERIOD. -- COMPETITION. BETWEEN the hundred-headed hydra, division of labor, and the unconquered dragon, machinery, what will become of humanity? A prophet has said it more than two thousand years ago: Satan looks on his victim, and the fires of war are kindled, Aspexit gentes, et dissolvit. To save us from two scourges, famine and pestilence, Providence sends us discord. Competition represents that philosophical era in which, a semi-understanding of the antinomies of reason having given birth to the art of sophistry, the characteristics of the false and the true were confounded, and in which, instead of doctrines, they had nothing but deceptive mental tilts. Thus the industrial movement faithfully reproduces the metaphysical movement; the history of social economy is to be found entire in the writings of the philosophers. Let us study this interesting phase, whose most striking characteristic is to take away the judgment of those who believe as well as those who protest. From : Anarchy Archives Events : ---------------------------------- Chapter 5, Section 5.0 -- Publication : November 30, 1845 Chapter 5, Section 5.0 -- Added : January 29, 2017 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :