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Appendix A: The circle of friends Close links between German industry and commerce and the Nazi party go back to 11 December 1931 when Walter Funk, later wartime president of the Reichsbank (German central bank) approached Baron Kurt von Schroeder to arrange for Hitler to meet potential supporters among German industrialists. Wilhelm Keppler, a small businessman, was given the job of calling together a group of capitalists who could advise Hitler on what to offer the industrialists in order to win their support. This became known as the Keppler Kreis (Keppler Circle), which later developed into the Reichsfuhrer SS Circle of Friends supervised by the SS and Gestapo boss Heinrich HimmIer. Twenty days after the abortive attempt o... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
Introductory notes The career of Stefano Delle Chiaie spans two continents and two decades. The history of Delle Chiaie is the history of nazism in our world today. Through it we see neofascist terrorist organizations in their true role: agents of an inner, oligarchic power sphere which sets itself above all law and morality. On 2 August 1980 a bomb hidden in a suitcase exploded at Bologna railway station in Italy, claiming the lives of 85 innocent people and injuring over 200. The outrage at Bologna was just one more episode in what has become known as the ‘Strategy of Tension’ — a campaign of terror, infiltration, provocation murder (including that of anarchist Giuseppe Pinelli) that stretches back to the beginning o... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
Fascism Fascism is a populist, collectivist and statist movement opposed to monopoly capitalism and communism. Although fascism recruits from all social classes it attracts mainly the middle classes since it appears to offer an alternative to bolshevism while permitting them to maintain their interests by establishing themselves as the Third Force between multinational and state capitalism. Fascism feeds on dissatisfaction, rancor, exaggerated nationalism, anticommunism and racial prejudice: all traits which flourish in times of political and social insecurity. Fascism has produced no rational system of ideas and has special appeal to those who lack the critical ability to bring together all the relevant facts and factors when assessin... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
Chronology 9 July 1943 Allies land in Sicily flying Mafia colors. Germans retreat to a defensive line across the peninsula north of Naples. 25 July 1943 Following talks between Hitler and Mussolini at Feltre, Fascist Grand Council invite King Victor Emmanuel to assume supreme command. Mussolini is arrested. 28 July 1943 Fascist Party dissolved. 12 Sept 1943 Otto Skorzeny frees Mussolini who assumes leadership of the Repubblica Sociale Italiana (Salo Republic). 4 June 1944 Allies occupy Rome. Command of US Office of Strategic Services (OSSthe forerunner of the CIA) passes to Colonel Clifton T. Carter, an admirer of Marshal Pietro Badoglio, former Italian Army Chief of Staff who had led the assault ... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
The man and his crimes On 2 August 1980 a bomb hidden in a suitcase was exploded at Bologna railway station in Italy. It was a Saturday and the first full day of the national holiday and the station was crowded. The explosion claimed the lives of 85 innocent victims and seriously injured over 200 more. Over two years later the Bologna investigating magistrate, Aldo Gentile, issued an international warrant for the arrest of five men wanted in connection with the bombing. Gentile, who had led the investigation of the bombing from the start, told reporters: The man who was carrying the suitcase is among them. One of the wanted men was a French neofascist, another a German. The other three were Italians, and the senior among them was Stefan... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
The strategy of tension Delle Chiaie’s principal contact, and puppetmaster within the Italian secret service during this period was Guido Giannettini, a rightwing journalist of high standing in western intelligence circles. In November 1961, Giannettini had been invited by General Pedro del Valle, commander of the United States Central Naval Academy at Annapolis, to conduct a three-day seminar on The Techniques and Prospects of a Coup d’Etat in Europe. His audience included both Pentagon and CIA representatives. This appears to have established Giannettini as a respected figure among NATO spy chiefs. AGINTER PRESS At this time a principal concern in western strategic thinking was the need to counter nascent national libe... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
Spanish interlude Borghese and Delle Chiaie were welcomed to Spain by numerous friends of the “Black Orchestra,” in particular Otto Skorzeny, the Duke of Valencia, Jose Antonio Giron, a former Franco minister who provided them with accommodation at his villa in Fuengirol, and Mariano Sanchez Covisa, an influential Madrid businessman and father of the notorious “Guerrillas of Christ the King,” the Spanish death squads. Spain was to provide new opportunities for Stefano Delle Chiaie with his special skills, his considerable influence over his friendship circle and his small army of dedicated followers in both Italy and Spain. His leadership qualities were immediately recognized by Skorzeny, who took him under his w... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
In Latin America Stefano Delle Chiaie’s first known visit to Latin America was to Chili with Prince Valerio Borghese late in 1973 after the CIA-backed coup which ousted and killed President Salvador Allende. The buildup to the Chilean coup bore numerous similarities to the events which unsettled Italy from early 1969 onwards. The two fascists’ trip to Chili was ostensibly on behalf of a Madrid agency, Enesia, to establish friendly relations and encourage trade with the new regime, but in fact to discuss the setting up of an international hit squad to kill the enemies of the Junta and to neutralize all overseas opposition. This proposal for a transnational terror network later to become known as “Operation Condor”... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
Bologna On Saturday, 2 August 1980, the first full day of the Italian national holiday, a massive explosion ripped through the waiting room at Bologna railway station, killing 85 people and seriously injuring and maiming a further 200. Although the people of Italy knew instinctively this was a neofascist provocation, the police could come up with no real leads and seven days after the outrage the investigation had come to a dead end. The first clue came when a prisoner claimed to have overheard the massacre being planned by his cellmates. Arrest warrants were issued for a number of neofascists but nothing substantial came from this and other leads. Indeed, by December 1980 there were still only three suspects and the evidence against t... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
Hunting in Bolivia Exactly one month after the warrant was issued, on 10 October, the military dictatorship of General Luis Garcia Meza was obliged to hand over power to the civilian government of Dr Siles Zuazo. The junta strong man, Interior Minister Colonel Luis Arce Gomez, aware that the days of his power were rapidly coming to an end, had already arranged to have himself accredited as military attaché to the Bolivian Embassy in Buenos Aires and on 4 October, one week before the elections, he crossed the frontier with a convoy of five cars and an immense personal fortune. Both Arce Gomez and Garcia Meza were later (unsurprisingly) given political asylum in Argentina, the country which had originally helped them attain power, a... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
Conclusion Shortly after being condemned to death for war crimes in 1946, the Nazi philosopher Alfred Rosenberg declared: Within fifteen years we will begin to be talked about again, and within twenty years Nazism will again be a force. Rosenberg’s prophecy did come true, but not in quite the way he imagined it. The history of neofascism over the past twenty years, as seen through the story of Stefano Delle Chiaie and his colleagues of the Black Orchestra, gives us a clear indication of their true role: agents of an inner, oligarchic power sphere which sets itself above all law and morality. The account of Stefano Delle Chiaie’s involvement in the events described in the previous pages has been drawn from a wide variety of s... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)
Appendix A: The circle of friends Close links between German industry and commerce and the Nazi party go back to 11 December 1931 when Walter Funk, later wartime president of the Reichsbank (German central bank) approached Baron Kurt von Schroeder to arrange for Hitler to meet potential supporters among German industrialists. Wilhelm Keppler, a small businessman, was given the job of calling together a group of capitalists who could advise Hitler on what to offer the industrialists in order to win their support. This became known as the Keppler Kreis (Keppler Circle), which later developed into the Reichsfuhrer SS Circle of Friends supervised by the SS and Gestapo boss Heinrich HimmIer. Twenty days after the abortive attempt on Hitler&r... (From: TheAnarchistLibrary.org.)

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