Statute of the Federazione Dei Comunisti Anarchici

Untitled Anarchism Statute of the Federazione Dei Comunisti Anarchici

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I — Preamble

Anarchism is not some beautiful dream, nor some abstract notion of philosophy: it is a social movement of the working masses. For that reason alone it must gather its forces into one umbrella organization, forever acting as the reality and the strategy of the social struggle that the classes require of it!” (Dielo Truda, 1926)

The Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici (FdCA), in setting itself forth as revolutionary conscience and historical memory within the mass conscience of the exploited classes, groups class-struggle anarchist communist militants who share its political positions.

The necessity for it lies in the present-day class struggle itself. As a part of the class, the FdCA develops the conception of organization founded by Bakunin and continued throughout the last century through the most significant organizational and revolutionary experiences of the anarchist communists as a level of theoretical and strategic definition. On the same basis, the FdCA condemns all concepts of “party” based on substitutionism (Leninism, Bordighism) and on spontaneism.

In refusing organizational substitutionism, the FdCA’s internal political relationships are based on federalism and on reciprocal “fraternal and common control” (Bakunin) which safeguards the equality of participation in decisions, and collective responsibility in their application.

“... Inspired by a common theory, by a common goal, which is sought taking account of conditions, and interneving according to the same plan” (Bakunin), FdCA militants develop anarchist revolutionary action within the mass proletarian organizations, encouraging class unity, solidarity among the exploited and class struggle.

II — General Principles

Art.1 — The FdCA is an organization of class struggle anarchist communist militants who share its political positions articulated in theory, strategy and tactics.

Art.2 — The aims of the organization are:

  1. the building of a new society based on direct democracy and the collective self-management of production and distribution;

  2. the safeguarding of the historical heritage expressed over a century of anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian struggles and in support of the levels of organization of the exploited.

The FdCA develops its strategy and its tactics within society, aiming for the defense of the immediate interests of the working class and for the gradual shifting of power relations towards it, within the context of the destruction of capitalist production relationships, the defense of the historical interests of the working class and the building of anarchist communism.

III — Structure of the Organization


Art.3 — In order to articulate its political positions in the community, the FdCA constitutes Sections in places where several militants operate.

Art.4 — The opening and closing down of a Section is ratified by the Council of Delegates.

Art.5 — It is the job of the Section to articulate tactics in its own area.

Art.6 — The Section makes decision through a “Section Assembly” which includes all the militants who operate in the Section’s area, and only these.

Art.7 — The Section constitutes within itself the Assembly of Adherents, which consists of all the militants and adherents of the Section and which coordinates action in the area.

Art.8 — Within the Section there may be established Commissions, according to the objective and subjective needs of the moment.

Art.9 — Every Section nominates one or more comrades who are responsible for maintaining contact between the Section’s commissions and the corresponding Commissions of the organization.

Art.10 — Every Section nominates one or more comrades who will be responsible for relations with the National Secretariat, the collection of dues and political and economic relations with the organization’s other structures.

Art.11 — Every Section regulates, in full autonomy and in harmony with the organization’s positions, its program of intervention and its methods of functioning, keeping in mind that the Section represents in any given location both an instrument of action of the organization and a political point of reference for the class.

Art.12 — Every Section and individual without Section participates towards the finances of the organization and ensures details are sent to the appropriate Commission.

Art.13 — Where there is good reason, and on having contacted the appropriate Section, or National Secretariat in the case of unattached members, the Council of Delegates can suspend completely one or more militants until the following Congress. After a continuous programmatic, strategic and theoretical evaluation, also through the initiatives of the Assembly of Adherents of the Section concerned, any comrade who shares the positions and theory of the organization may be accepted as a member of the FdCA.

Ordinary Congress

Art.14 — All militants are members of the Ordinary Congress by right; on invitation of any of the organization’s structures or Sections, observers may be present. Ordinary Congress takes place every two years. All members of FdCA organs will present their resignations at Congress. Each organ will present a report of their activities.

Art.15 — The Council of Delegates will fix a date and communicate it to all Sections and Commissions and will propose an agenda with at least 120 day’s notice.

Art.16 — Within 30 days, the Sections of unattached militants will ensure that they send to the Internal Bulletin (IB) one or more evaluations or proposals regarding the items on the agenda and on any other matters they wish to be discussed.

Art.17 — The Council of Delegates, having considered the reports from the Sections will decide on the Agenda of the Ordinary Congress.

Art.18 — Within 60 days, all organs will ensure they send the IB a report on their activities, a detailed analysis of the situation regarding their area of onterest, one or more programmatic indications regarding policies to be adopted for the forthcoming intercongressional period regarding their area of interest.

Art.19 — The tasks of the Ordinary Congress are:

  1. to evaluate the work of outgoing structures;

  2. to evaluate the programmatic indications of the structures;

  3. to decide new programmatic indications for the structures;

  4. to nominate the new members of the structures;

  5. to decide the organization’s policy regarding strategy and tactics;

  6. to confirm or reject suspensions.

Extraordinary Congress

Art.20 — The Council of Delegates will establish the times and methods upon the request of a structure or of one fifth of the militants and following a majority vote (50% plus 1) of the organization’s militants.


Art.21 — The Ordinary Congress makes up, in the form of three or more militants (but always an odd number), the members of each of the organization’s Commissions.

Art.22 — The organization’s Commissions have the following tasks:

  1. to observe the practice by Sections of the general tactics decided by Congress and to therefore serve as expert support for interventions by the Sections. and will ensure material circulates and is archived and produce posters and tactical support bulletins;

  2. during the period between congresses, to collect evaluations on the practice of the organization’s policies and to act, then, as a stimulus for analytic education in their particular area, organizing seminars, meetings, debates and producing documents.

Art.23 — Each Ordinary Congress can nominate new Commissions. All Commissions will present their resignations to Congress which will appoint new members or reconfirm members.

Art.24 — Commissions are obliged to send reports on their work to the National Secretariat, for the IB, every four months at least.

Art.25 — For the specific tasks of each Commission, reference should be made to the Internal Rules of the organization, as at Art.29 of the Statute.

Council of Delegates

Art.26 — ordinary Congress nominates delegates to the Council of Delegates.

National Secretariat

Art.27 — The Council of Delegates elects the National Secretariat.

Federation Flag

Art.28 — The flag of the FdCA is divided diagonally with the upper portion red and the lower black with the name of the organization superimposed, in short or in full.

IV — Internal Regulations

Art.29 — The organization has Internal Regulations which complete this Statute and provide further detail.

Art.30 — The Internal Regulations are approved by Ordinary Congress.

(Source: Retrieved on 17th October 2021 from

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