People :
Author : Leo Tolstoy
Translator : Huntington Smith
Text :
- Abraham, 165.
- Adam, fall of, 118, 122.
- Age, consummation of, 139, 152.
- Amusements, harmful, 105; maintained by coercion, 106.
- Anger, the commandment against, 70 et seq.; destructive of happiness, 247; temptations to, 247.
- ἀνίστημι, meaning of, 146.
- Army, the Christophile, 15.
- Art has forsaken the Church, 224.
- auferstehn, meaning of, 146.
- Aurelius, Marcus, 126.
- Average man, the, and the problem of existence, 229.
- Belief, if true, always brings forth works, 160 et seq.
- Believers, and the problem of existence, 228.
- Berditchef, circus at, 135, 157.
- Bible, 17.
- Biblical references.—O. T.: Gen. (iii. 22) 149; Exod. (iii. 6) 144; Levit. (xix. 12) 86, (xix. 17, 18) 94; Deut. (xiii. 21, 34) 86, (xxiv. 1) 77, (xxx. 15-19) 150, (xxxii. 39, 40) 149; Judges (ix. 4) 76; Sam. (I. viii.-xii.)
18; Isaiah (lxi. 1, 2) 110. N. T.: Matt. (iv. 1-11) 178, (iv. 37) 253, (v.) 17, (v., vi., vii.) 5, (v. 17-20)
51, 52, 53, (v. 18) 262, (v. 19) 70, (v. 21-26) 70, 76, (v. 21-48) 69, (v. 22-44) 109, (v. 27-32) 77, (v. 28-32) 109, (v. 32) 79, 81, (v. 33-37) 86, 91, (v. 34-37) 109, (v. 36) 89, (v. 38, 39) 7, 8, (v. 38-42)
92, 93, 110, (v. 40) 26, (v. 43-48) 95,
110, (v. 44) 256, (vii. 1) 23, (vii. 12)
57, (x. 10) 200, 254, (xi. 30) 14, (xii. 16-21) 138, (xii. 31) 217, (xii. 35-40) 139, (xii. 40) 145, (xiii. 52) 62, (xiv. 2) 146, (xvi. 13-21) 145, (xvi. 21) 145, (xvii. 23) 145, (xix.) 79, (xix. 4-6)
250, (xix. 4-9) 80, (xix. 9) 81, 84, (xix. 17) 151, (xx. 1-16) 167, 168, (xx. 19) 145, (xx. 20-28) 166, (xxi. 33-42) 139, (xxii. 44) 98, (xxiii. 13-35) 217, (xxv. 14-46) 142, (xxvi. 32) 145, (xxvii. 42) 163; Mark (viii. 31) 145, (ix. 31) 145,
(x. 5-12) 79, (x. 28-30) 180, (x. 34) 145, (x. 35-48) 166, (x. 45)
202, 254, (xii. 21-24) 144, (xii. 26, 27) 144, (xii. 36) 98, (xiv. 25) 145, (xv. 32) 163; Luke (i. 71, 74) 98, (iv. 1-13) 178, (iv. 18, 19, 21) 111, (vi. 37) 23, (vi. 37-49) 24, (ix. 22) 145, (x. 5, 7)
200, (x. 26) 61, (x. 28) 151, (x. 29)
98, (xi. 30) 145, (xi. 35) 125, 216, (xii. 22-27) 137, (xii. 32) 263, (xii. 54-57) 136, (xiii. 1-5) 135, (xiv. 28-31) 136, (xvi. 15-18) 54, (xvi. 16) 57, (xvi. 18) 79, (xvi. 31)
147, (xviii. 33) 145, (xx. 43) 98, (xxii. 67) 163; John (i. 9-12) 171, (i. 17) 245, (iii. 5, 6, 7) 125, (iii. 19-21) 171, (iii. 14-17) 125, (v. 39) 150, (v. 44) 164, (vi. 30) 163, (vii. 18) 164, (vii. 19) 57, (viii. 17)
57, (viii. 28) 125, 258, (viii. 32) 258, (viii. 35) 141, (viii. 40) 171, (viii. 46) 171, (x. 25, 26) 163, (xi. 19-22) 145, (xii. 31) 244, (xii. 35) 125, (xiv. 6) 172, (xiv. 16, 17) 172, (xiv. 27) 109, (xv. 25) 57, (xvi. 33) 244, (xviii. 37)
172, (xix. 7) 57; Acts (vii. 27) 98, (xxiii. 8) 143; Rom. (i. 32, ii. 1, ii. 4) 31; Cor. (I. vii. 1-11) 80, (I. xv. 2) 75; Heb. (ii. 2) 115; Jas. (ii. 12, 13) 30, (ii. 13) 29, (ii. 14-26) 163, (iv. 11, 12) 28, (v. 6) 35, (v. 12) 89; John (I. v. 3) 14, (I. v. 4) 244.
- Borovitzky Gate, 19.
- Brahmins, 173, 218.
- Buddha, 134, 218.
- Buddhism, 124.
- Catechism analyzed, 213.
- Children, education of, 105.
- Christian rationalists in Russia, 223.
- Christianity, substance of, 2, 13; a spiritual tendency, 4; lack of ethical and moral instruction in, 123.
- Christians may believe in Jesus, 241; duties of, 258 et seq.
- Chrysostom, xi., 33, 63, et seq.;
79, 92.
- Church, the fathers of, 31, 81, 93; the Orthodox, 2; creed of, 265; inadequacy of 3, 4, 175, 209-244; teachings of, 4, 40, 47, 58, 62, 107,
115, 127, 154, 178, 213-217, 227; compulsory in Russia, 216; the true,
- Churches, as useless sentinels, 224.
- Civilization, characteristics of, 42, 233.
- Clement, x.
- Commandments, abrogated by the Church,
- Commentators, pseudo-Christian, 91; liberal, 93.
- condemnare, 34.
- Confucius, 124, 126, 127, 218.
- Constantine, 31, 219.
- Cosmopolitanism, importance of, 257.
- Daniel, apocryphal book of, 149.
- Death, inevitable, 137, 138, 139.
- Death penalty, sanctioned by the Church,
- Debauchery, 77 et seq.; Paul's idea of, 80; destructive of happiness, 249; temptations to, 251.
- Devotion, a pagan book of, 212.
- Divorce, denounced by Jesus, 78
et seq.; sanctioned by the Church, 221.
- δόξα, meaning of, 164.
- ἐγείρω, meaning of, 146.
- ehebruch, meaning of, 84.
- εἰκῆ, meaning and textual authenticity of, 75.
- Elijah, 48, 145.
- ἡλικίαν, meaning of, 137.
- Enemy, love for, 95 et seq.; meaning of, 98.
- Epictetus, 89, 126, 127.
- Error, temptation of Jesus by, 178; the cohesive power of, 262.
- Esdras, 56.
- Evil, submission to, 8 et seq., 13,
92-94; resistance to, 15; destructive of happiness, 253; to speak, 28, 32.
- Existence, its futilities, 226.
- Faith, defined, 115, 162, 166, 244; and works, 160, 169; based on the dictates of reason, 170; source of, 171; the false, 173.
- Fall, dogma of the, 120, 153.
- Family, the, a condition of happiness, 187.
- Foreigners, hostility toward, 100; destructive of happiness, 255.
- Formalism, evils of, 68.
- fornicatio, meaning of, 83.
- Free-will, an illusion, 124.
- French war of 1870, 198.
- Galilee, 41, 44, 48, 49, 178.
- Galileans, massacre of, 135.
- Germans, 45, 259.
- Ghengis Khan, 36.
- God, service of, 21; appears to Elijah,
48; commandments of, 51; kingdom of,
108, 111, 160; how brought, 209.
- Gospels, exegesis, 1, 55, 75.
- Griesbach, 175.
- Happiness, conditions of, 185-189.
- hayai leolam, meaning of, 148.
- Health, a condition of happiness, 189.
- Hebrews, 176.
- Hegelianism, 122.
- Herod, 25, 146.
- High Priests, 25, 59.
- Householder, parable of, 168.
- hurerei, meaning of, 83.
- Husbandmen, parable of, 139.
- Immortality, belief in, 147, 150, 153, 155.
- Irenæus, 62.
- Isaiah, 56, 61.
- James, 167.
- Jesus, as the "charmant docteur," 41; divinity of, 15; the enemies of, 60; his use of the Mosaic law, 67; commandments of, 69, 76, 86, 194, 242, 246 et seq.;
mission of, 108; the Messiah, 111, 145,
158; his revelation of the true life,
139; his doctrine of eternal life, 153; as a Savior, 158; his definition of belief, 164; of true life, 167; his temptation in the wilderness, 177; offers the water of truth, 196.
- Jesus, doctrine of, its simplicity, vi.,
6, 7, 11, 12, 69, 194; as a metaphysical theory and an ethical system, 218, 231; a doctrine of grace and truth, 246; practical results of, 107; key to, 2,
16, 17; requirements of, 248; its meaning, 7, 43, 50, 58, 108, 172, 193,
199, 240; its rewards, 179, 202; to bring the kingdom of God, 209; its relation to the Church, 209-244; its adaptability to Christians, 241; to the philosopher, 242; to the "average" man,
243; difficulty in obeying, 14, 16, 112,
132, 160, 173, 194, 259; belief in, 160
et seq.; requirements of, 245
et seq.; a protest against ceremonial, 219; its concealment, 49,
68, 90, 173, 174; and military regulations, 19, 22, 104, 223; its universality, 241; delusions with regard to, 23, 101, 114, 191 et seq.,
204; will overcome the world, 244; substance of, 124; and social customs,
58, 90, 93, 133, 194; where are its martyrs? 195.
- Jews, criminal law of, 27.
- John, 167.
- John the Baptist, 43, 54, 108, 135, 145,
- Jonah, 146; story of, 176.
- Judaism, 124, 220.
- Judgment, parable of the last, 139, 152.
- Laborer, worthy of his sustenance, 200,
205; rewards of, 201, 203.
- Law, the eternal, 53, 55.
- Law of struggle, 47, 181, 197.
- Lazarus, 147.
- libertinage, meaning of, 83.
- Libertinism, 83, 85.
- Liberty, law of, 29.
- Life, essence of, 118, 138, 165; the personal, 134, 139, 174; salvation of,
152, 165; renunciation of, 141, 142; the eternal, 143; how perpetuated, 150; rewards of, 167; doctrine of, enforced by the police, 232.
- Loaves and fishes, lesson of the, 206.
- Luke, 34, 54, 55, 80.
- Luther, 34, 84.
- Manu, laws of, 89.
- Mark, 80.
- Martyrs, Christian, number of, 192.
- Martyrs to the world, 183, 193.
- Materialism, 122.
- Men, brotherhood of, 110, 246, 256; intercourse with, essential to
happiness, 188; nature of, 112; debt to the past, 141; mutual dependence, 207; temptations against, 246.
- μετάνοια, meaning of, 135, 141.
- Michael, Archbishop, 93.
- Military regulations, 19.
- μοιχᾶσθαι, meaning of, 83.
- Monasticism, contrary to the doctrine of Jesus, 176.
- Monogamy the natural law of humanity, 250.
- Moscow, 183.
- Mount, the Sermon on the, 5, 6, 10, 11,
17, 26, 78, 79, 108.
- Müller, Max, 148.
- Nationality, renunciation of, 257.
- Nature, the law of, 46; communion with, essential to happiness, 185.
- Neighbor, meaning of, 97 et seq.
- Nicodemus, 60, 108, 125.
- νόμος, meaning of, 56.
- Oaths, the commandment against, 87
et seq.; destruction of happiness,
252; evils of, 252.
- Origen, 102.
- Pascal, 134.
- Paul, x., 30, 56, 80, 88, 115; his metaphysico-cabalistic doctrine, 219.
- Peace, the reign of, 108; how violated,
- Penalty, the death, 36.
- Pentateuch, 57, 148.
- Persons, respect of, 29.
- Pessimism, 122.
- Peter, 11, 145, 167, 168, 180.
- Pharisees, 54, 59, 60, 85, 88, 143, 178.
- Philosophers, and the problem of existence, 229.
- Pilate, 135, 175.
- πορνεία, meaning of, 83; et seq.
- Poverty, the blessings of, 199; indispensable to the follower of Jesus,
- prissaiaga, meaning of, 85.
- Prophets, the Hebrew, 43, 57, 143.
- qum, meaning of, 146.
- raca, meaning of, 73, 76.
- Reason, authority of, 124.
- Redemption, dogma of, 120, 122, 153.
- Religions, requirements of, 220.
- Renan, 31, 93.
- Repentance, 60; necessity of, 135.
- Resurrection, not taught by Jesus, 143.
- resusciter, meaning of, 146.
- Reuss, 79.
- Revolution, the French, 36.
- Revolutionists, atheistic, 39; Christian,
- Riches, the struggle for, 184.
- Righteousness, progress toward, 48.
- Sadducees, 60, 143.
- Samaritan, 98.
- Sanhedrin, 25.
- Schopenhauer, 148.
- Science, hostile to the Church, 223.
- Security, struggle for, its futility, 198.
- Seneca, 89.
- Sisyphus, labor of, 184.
- Slave, 39.
- Slavery, sanctioned by the Church, 221.
- Slavophile, 39.
- Socrates, 124, 126.
- Soldier, at Borovitzky Gate, 19, 88; Russian nickname for, 88.
- Solomon, 134.
- Son of man, doctrine regarding, 125
et seq.; 142, 150, 152, 156, 263.
- Spirit, the Holy, 68.
- Spiritism, 123.
- State, service of, 21, 22, 257; independent of the Church, 223.
- States, divisions into, a barbarism, 107.
- Stoics, 124, 173.
- Strauss, 41, 93.
- Suffering, useless, 183.
- Sukhareff Tower, 183.
- Talents, parable of the, 142.
- Talmud, 17, 56, 143, 173.
- Theologians, declarations of, 6.
- Theophylact, 33.
- Thief, on the cross, vii.
- Tiele, 148.
- Tischendorf, 55, 75.
- Tohu, 18, 19, 21, 22, 42, 43.
- Torah, 56, 61, 68.
- Tribunals, 23, 24; contrary to law of Jesus, 25 et seq.; sanctioned by the Church, 221.
- Trinity, 14, 40, 58, 116, 117, 127.
- Truth, Christian, 4.
- Tübingen, school of, 33.
- Turks, 259.
- verdammen, meaning of, 34.
- Violence, renunciation of, 38; organized,
45, 196; destructive to happiness, 253; temptations to, 254; futility of, 259
et seq.
- Virgins, parable of, 139.
- voskresnovit, meaning of, 146.
- Vulgate, 34.
- War, organized murder, 101, 192; justified by the Church, 211, 221.
- Wars of our century, victims of, 193.
- Work, an inevitable condition of happiness, 186, 201, 205, 207.
- World, the doctrine of, illustrated, 129; sufferings for, 181, 185-192; its commands, 191; its necessities, 184
et seq.; justification of, 188; its relation to the Church, 221
et seq.
- Worldly advantage, 11.
- zanah, meaning of, 83.
Transcriber's Notes:
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Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as in the original.
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(Source: Published by Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., New York, 1885.)
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Chronology :
November 30, 1883 : Index -- Publication.
February 18, 2017 : Index -- Added.
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