I.W.W. Manual of Instruction for Job Delegates -------------------------------------------------------------------- People : ---------------------------------- Author : The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) Text : ---------------------------------- I. W. W. MANUAL of INSTRUCTION for JOB DELEGATES (Published by the General Recruiting Union, ca. 1943) Transcriber’s note: This booklet was printed cheaply and is full of errors of spelling, grammar, and typography, which I have not corrected. I have carefully checked the following transcript against my photocopy of the original in the I. W. W. Archives at Wayne State University and am reasonably confident that all errors in this HTML version are in the original. I have cleaned up the pictures considerably, but some could not be made entirely legible.—J. D. C. HOW TO GET CREDENTIALS Credentials making you a duly authorized official delegate for the Industrial Workers of the World can be obtained from stationary delegates, branch secretaries, traveling delegates or from the main office of the I. W. W. Let us say that you go to a branch secretary. He will ask you to fill out an application form. If you write in for your credentials the form will be sent to you together with the credentials, with a request that you fill it in and send it back immediately. Answer all questions, and be as accurate as possible, for this application is sent to the Main Office and is kept there as a part of your delegate record. Always give your full address, when you take out credentials. The Main Office will then be able to keep you supplied with free literature and bulletins. Bear in mind that you have the faith and trust of your Fellow Workers. and that you are expected to perform your duties honorably, faithfully and courageously. HOW TO GET SUPPLIES Get your first batch of organization supplies at the same time that you get your credentials. With the supplies you should get a duplicate supply bill. Keep this bill for reference until you check in your supplies and take out new credentials. As soon as you receive supplies and the bill, count supplies carefully to see if they tally with the figures on the bill. If they do not, write at once to whoever sent them to you, and tell him where the difference comes in. Also, make a note of the difference on your copy of the supply bill. At the same time when you get supplies, make sure to get a number of Delegate’s and Branch Secretary’s Financial Report Blanks. You will need them in making out your reports. In case you should lose your credentials or supplies, by being arrested, or in any other way, notify the main office at once, giving, whenever possible, the names of witnesses, and stating the full circumstances of the occurrence. The main office will then credit you with the amount of supplies lost. INSTRUCTIONS OF DELEGATES 1__ All personal deposit money must be promptly sent to the central office by delegates. Delegates should refuse to handle personal deposits on any other basis. This is protection for delegates. 2 __ Don’t try to itemize literature on financial report. Just enter total amount of literature sold, making a seperate entry for papers. LITERATURE The literature question is one that every member of the I.W.W. should give his most careful attention. We should have some pamphlet with us at all times to give to some unorganized worker. Though some of us are not as capable of explaining industrial unionism as others, we can do our bit by giving or selling literature which does explain. We have in the main office and in the branches literature explaining our program. It is doing no good here and we ask your cooperation in getting it distributed where it will be of help in educating the wage worker to the need for organization. The INDUSTRIAL WORKER the official organ of the I.W.W is the leading labor news paper, in that, not only reporting the events of the day as they occur, but in also explaining their affects on the well being of the working class. Every member should be not only a subscriber to the paper, but also a subscription go-getter, for that new subscriber may become an active member. Subscription rates are United States. one year $1.50 Six months $1.00. Bundle orders U. S. 3¢. Canada and other nations, one year $2.00. Foreign Bundles add Postage. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP On the following page you will see an application for membership made out properly. First there are two questions for the prospective member to answer. When answered in the affirmative have him sign his name in the space for that purpose. Then the delegate fills in the work he follows, the industry he works in, his address—city and state—the month, day and year of the initiation, the number of the Industrial Union in which he is being initiated, his card number, the amount of dues, the amount of assessments and then the total amount of money received for all. Last you put down your name and delegate number. Now that the application for membership is filled out, put it down on the report sheet, as you will note on center pages and then write out his card. Now you have his record and there are no mistakes and when sending in your weekly report pin the application to it. None but actual wage workers shall be members of the Industrial Workers of the World. HOW TO FILL OUT DUE BOO K On opposite page you will see the indentification page of a due book. This page should be written out correctly and as neatly as possible, for the member has to carry it four years, and if there is a mistake on it, it will only cause confusion. First, write the name as plainly as you can; then, where it says "Initiated by" write in your delegate number, for instance, 162-R3; then, in the space "Industrial Union No," put down the number of the union which he is joining, for instance, 110; then the date of joining; then the name of .the department; under that, the name of the industry he works in; and last, the occupation he follows. HOW TO CANCEL DUE AND ASS. STAMPS On the due page of membership card, write in the year that the dues on that page cover; as, Dec. 31, 1943. In the square in which is stated the month for which dues are being paid, write in the date thus, 6-4-43, and your delegate number thus, 162R3. now place stamp in square and repeat. The same way cancel assessment stamps. DUPLICATE CARDS A duplicate card is issued by the Industrial Union which the member paid last dues to and takes the place of the card he originally had. Delegates should be sure to collect 50¢ for each duplicate card wanted, as he will be be charged with that amount on his account. On the next page you will see an application for duplicate card. Study it carefully! After having the member write his name on the top line, get his card number. Be sure to get his correct number, as it is more important than the name; there are quite a few names alike, but the numbers never are. Then get the Union he was initiated in, what time and the delegate number of who initiated him; also, the last transfer and the number of the Industrial Union to which he transferred—and for what month the last dues were paid for, and what delegate number collected same. Then, put down where to send the duplicate card; and last, to whom the 50¢ was paid and the delegate number. No receipts should be issued for the 50¢, for by doing so, you may allow some-one to pose as a member of the I. W. W. who is not. NOTICE OF TRANSFER On next page you will find an application for transfer made out according to his membership book, Write in the name of the city and state, then the name and card number, now state the number of the union he was initiated by, and the date, also the number of the union he then is in and the unions number he is transfering to. Now place his transfer on your Report Sheet. So, remember! The record of a transfer should be made in three places—the Due Book, Report Sheet and Application for Transfer. When transferring a member from one union to another, place the month, day and year of the transfer, and the union he is transfering from and the union he transfers to, in the proper places, in the members due book, be sure to sigin your name and delegate number.   JOB BRANCHES Whenever there are seven or more members on a job, they shall constitute themselves a shop or job branch, and elect I. job committee and a job delegate to attend to urgent matters between business meetings. No member should serve permanently on a committee. At each meeting a new committee should be elected. All members should take their turn at serving on committees. Job meetings should be held regularly if possible, not only to transact the job branches business, but also to educate the members in all the principals. and functions of Industrial Unionism. HOW TO MAKE OUT A REPORT *) On top of the report sheet and at the head of each calumn, it states what that column is for. Take the first column, in it you place the number of the union the member is now in: in the second, month and day the business took place. then, the name, card number; then the months he paid dues for; then, the amount of the initiation fee; then, the amount of dues paid; then, the amount of assessments he paid. Then comes the member’s record—the union he was initiated in, the month, day and year—and next comes the transfer record—the union the member was last transferred from, the month. day and year. In making out your report, total up the amount of initiation fees, the total amount of dues and the amount, of Press General Defense and Organization stamps. now transfer the totals to the summary side. The back side is called the summary side of the report. After adding up all the initiation fees, place the amount where it says "Initiation Fees" under "Receipts"; then place the total amount of dues in its proper place; where it says "’Dues" and so on down the line: then total it all up and place the amount where it says "Total Receipts." Note: For I.Us, 310-330 and 440 who donate the press stamps. make a seperate entry, thus, 3 free press stamps, and do not include their cost, Now, we will take the side on top of which reads "Payments" or expenses. You will note then is a space for all expenses necessary for organization work. Place the total amount of expenses where it states "Total Payments" and then take that amount and place it under the total amount of receipts and subtract it. This will leave the amount that it is to be remitted. Now put that amount in the apace marked "Remittance." Sign your name in the space below and put down the town where you want your mail sent to, and your delegate number in the space for it, and pin the applications for membership and the transfers to it, and the receipts for expenses, if there are any. and your report is complete. Note: Always put the total amount of literature and papers sold on the receipt side, for instance "Literature" $1.50. "I.W.W. Papers" 75¢. and place the amount of commission on the expense side. Note: The commission on literature and papers are the same. 40 per cent (40%) and which is added together to get the commission. ITEMS WORTH KNOWING A report held back for a long period has a tendency to create doubt in the minds of the members, whose records are on it and which might put them in bad standing if not sent in on time. *   *   * A money orber stub, for money sent in, should be kept by the sender. What it was sent for and to whom should be written on the back, for refference in case you do not receive receipt for same from Headquarters. If remittance is noted on the monthly financial statement, it was received and entered on the books; if not, the money order has to be traced, and the stub is necessary to trace it. *   *   * By holding back remittances for General Defense and Press stamps, your Industrial Union is forced to use other funds to make up the deficit, as the total proceeds from these stamps must be paid in full. *   *   * By being an active delegate for the Industrial Workers of the World, you are more then a union agent. For than you are a builder of the New Society. And the more effort you put to organizing your fellow workers, the sooner it will be built. MINUTES The minutes or records of meetings should be kept neat and correctly, so no disagreements may arise from their meaning later. Following is a sample to illustrate how to write them. Regular branch meeting called to order, by branch secretary Friday March 12, 1943 at 8 P.M., at 2422 N. Halsted St., Chicago, III. Fellow Worker John Star elected chairman. Fellow Workers Joe Roe and John Doe appointed card conductors. Card conductors report twenty members in good standing and one in bad standing. Moved and Seconded that the report of card conductors be accepted and member in bad standing be seatcd with-out voice or vote. carried. Fellow Worker Ben Bonnet elected recording secretary. Reading of minutes M&S That minutes of last meeting be accepted and filed, carried. M&S that communication from Seatle be concurred with and filed, carried. Reports of committees M&S That report of auditing committee be accepted, carried. M&S That report of organization committee be laid over to new business. carried. *) MINUTES CONTINUED Report of Financial-Secretary M&S That report of financial secretary be accepted subject to auditing committee, carried. New business M&S That floor be thrown open for discussion on report of organization committee, carried. M&S That discussion be closed, carried. M&S That report be epted and the proposed leaflet be printed, carried. M&S That we hold a Mayday affair, carried. M&S That a committee of three be elected to arrange May day affair, carried. Nominations and elections Fellow Workers Doe, Kirby and Star elected to auditing committee. Fellow Workers Bonnet, Roe and Johnsen elected the May day committee. Good and welfare Several members spoke under this heading. Adjournment M&S That we adjourn, carried. Adjourned at 9 P.M. John Star X110472Chairman. Ben Bonnet X313085 Recording Secretary John Johnson Branch Secretary Branch Seal REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS The regular business meeting, is generally called to order by the branch secretary. It is called for the purpose of getting the views of the members in regard to organizational activities, and to receive and pass upon the reports of all committees, delegates, and officials, functioning under its jurisdiction. The branch meeting also acts on all resolutions, submitted to it by other Branches and Unions. After the meeting is called to order nominations for chairman are open, when nominations are closed by a motion, the names of those who have accepted are put to vote, the nominee receiving the largest vote takes the chair. He then proceeds. First he appoints two card conductors who then inspect each others and the chairmans cards. They now inspect the cards of all present to see that all are in good standing. The members belonging to another Industrial Union are seated in the rear and have no vote at the meeting, and only a voice under special privilege, sanctioned by the members, and under Good and W elfare. The conductors, after insepcting the cards report to the chairman how many members there are in good standing, and if anyone is present without a card, or in bad standing, he is also reported and the body act on his case. Then, one of the conductors takes his place by the door and the other keeps order. The recording secretary is then nominated and elected in the same manner as the chairman was. Reading of minutes and communications. The minutes of the previous mecting are read, and accepted, rejected or corrected by a motion which is put to a vote. Communications are read, they may be filed or laid over to new business by a motion. Reading of applications for membership. All new applications for membership are read. Reports of Committees, standing and special. All committees such as, auditing, organization. education, entertainment, etc.. also delegates who have repersented the branch at other meetings or unions, job delegates. etc. Report of financial-Secretary. The financial report of the secretary, of all reciepts and expenses is read and generally accepted subject to the auditing committee: who return there findings at the next business meeting. Unfinished business. Any thing left unfinished by the last meeting is brought up and acted upon. New business. The frist thing coming up under new business is that which was laid over from the different points of order. A motion is now made and seconded as to what to do with it, after the recording lecretary has written it down and read it, the floor is thrown open for discussion. After all who wish to speak on the motion have been heard. the motion is voted upon. After all matters laid over have been acted upon, motions are in order for any business that may happen to come up. Nominations and Elections. Under this order all officers or committee-men are nominated and elected. Good and Welfare. No motions lire made under this order, only to go back to new business or to adjourn the meeting. This point of order should be taken up in discussion on the progress and welfare of the Organization. Every member may express his opinion, but should use as few words as possible. Note. A special meeting is carried on in the same manner, only that notice is given 24 hours before it is called, and only the subject it is called for is discussed and acted upon and then the meeting automatically adjourns. It is called by seven or more members, or by the branch secretary. On job or shop branches it also may be called by the job or shop committee. ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Opening and calling meetilng to order. 2. Reading of minutes & communications. 3. Reading of applications for membership. 4. Reports of Committees, standing & special. 5. Report of Financial Secretary. 6. Unfinished business. 7. New business. 8. Nominations, & elections. 9. Good & welfare. 10. Adjournment. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES NO. 100. Agricultural Workers’ Industrial Union No. 110. All workers on farms, irrigation work, cotton and sugar plantations. All workers engaged in the raising of cattle, livestock etc., on fowl and bird farms, dairy farms, etc. Lumber Workers’ Industrial Union No. 120. All workers in forests: rangers, foresters, etc. all workers engaged in logging opperations, in saw and shingle mills, and preparing wood for fuel and manufacturing purposes; collecting of sap, bark, etc. Fishermen’s Industrial Union No. 130. All workers in fishery and fishing pursuits on ocean, lakes, and rivers; oyster and clam-bed keepers. All workers engaged in collecting of pearls, corals and sponges. Workers in fish hatcheries, etc. Floral Workers’ Industrial Union No. 140. All workers engaged in orchards, gardens, vineyards, truck farms, green- and hot-houses, on fruil farms, silk cultivalion. etc. DEPARTMENT OF MINING AND MINERA.LS, 200. Metal Mine Workers’ Industrial Union No. 210 All workers engaged in the mining of all metal. and engaged in mill, smelters, refineries and other reduction works. For the present also included are quarry workers engaged in mining of salt, sulfur, clay, borax. mica, bromide, graphite, soda, gypsum. asphalt, limestone, sandstone. whetstone, marble, onyx, slates; building stone, granite, etc. All precious gems, salines, salt and soda dry works, etc. Coal Mine and Coke Oven Workers’ Industrial Union No. 220, All workers engaged in coal mining, lignite, anthracite, bituminous, etc. in the production of coke, briquettes peat and turf, etc. Oil, Gas and Petroleum Workers’ Industrial Union No. 230. All workers engaged in the production of oil, and refineries, gas wells, filters. etc. DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 300. General Construction Workers’ Industrial Union No. 310. All workers engaged in construction of docks, railroads, highways, streets, bridges, sewers, subways, tunnels, canals, viaducts, irrigation work construction. Ship Builders’ Industrial Union No. 320., All workers engaged in building of boats, launches, ships and steamers and in repairing them: dry dock workers, etc. Building Construction Workers’ Industrial Union No. 330. All workers engaged in erection and constructing houses and buildings, the delivery of building material. Plumbers, steam and sprinkler fitters, architects, excavators, stone masons, bricklayers, hod carriers, electricians, painters, iron workers,carpenters, etc. DEPARTMENT OF MANUFACTURE AND GENERAL PRODUCTION, 400. Textile and Clothing Workers’ Industrial Union No. 410 All workers engaged in cotton, wool and silk; linen, flax fiber mills, etc. Also all wokers engaged in manufacture of wearing apparel, of cloth, fur, straw and fabrics of all kinds. Furniture Workers’ Industrial Union No. 420 All workers engaged in planing mills, piano factories, furniture factories, broom and brush factories, coopers, etc. Chemical Workers’ Industrial Union No. 430 All workers engaged in drugs, paint, rubber and guttapercha goods, powder,dynamite and other explosives; medicines, chemicals, perfumes, inks, etc.; sulphithe, cellulose, graphite, etc. Metal and Machinery Workers’ Industrial Union No. 440, All workers engaged in blast furnaces, steel mills, tinplate mills, agricultural machinery, etc. construction of cars, locomotives, engines, automobiles, bicycles, airplanes, etc. tool makers, jewelry and watchmakers. various instruments, etc. electrical workers. Printing and Publishing House Workers’Industrial Union No. 450. All workers on papers, books, catalogs; lithographers, linotypers, stereotypers, electrotypers, photoengravers, photographers, artists, spot knockers, etc. Foodstuff Workers’ Industrial Union No. 460. All workers in flour mills, bakeries, sugar refineries, candy and syrup factories, packing houses, meat, fish; cold storage plants, creameries, soda factories, breweries and distilleries, vinegar and soda water factories; tobacco workers, cigars, cigarettes, chewing, snuff, canneries, etc. Leather Workers’ Industrial Union No. 470. All workers in tanneries, boot, shoe and glove facies; harness makers, bags. satchels, trunk, belts, etc. Glass and Pottery Workers’ Iudustrial Union No. 480 All workers in glass factories, potteries, terra cotta, brick yards, tiles china ware, etc. Pulp and Paper Mill Workers’ Industrial Union No. 490. All worker engaged in the making of pulp, pulp mills, paper mills, etc. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATION, 500. Marine Transportation Workers’ Industrial Union No. 510. All workers engaged in marine transportation, steam, motor, sailing ships, submarines, etc.; docks, wharves, longshoremen, clerks; all workers in this industry. Railroad Workers’ Industrial Union No. 520 All workers engaged in long distance railway, steam and electric: third rail and trolley, in freight and passenger service; locomotive, car and repair shops: passenger and freight yard service; car cleaning. freight sheds; station and office forces, etc. Motor Transport Workers’ Industrial Union No. 530 All workers engaged in hauling of freight and passengers by truck, bus and cab; all workers in and around motor freight sheds and bus passenger stations. etc. Municipal Transportation Workers’ Industrial Union No. 540, All workers engaged in municipal, short distance transportation service; street cars, elevated roads, subways, sidewalks, etc. Aero-Workers’ Industrial Union No. 550. All workers employed aerial navigation. Telephone, Telegraph and Postal Workers’ Industrial Union No. 560. All workers engaged in telephone; postal telegraph, wireless, radio and television operation, etc. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE, 600. Health Service Workers’ Industrial Union No. 610. All worker engaged in hospitals and health restoration services; physicians, surgeons, interns, nurses, attendants, clerks, janitors, etc. Educational Workers’ Industrial Union No. 620. All workers in educational institutions, schools, lIeges, universities, and other institutions of learning. Recreational Workers’ Industrial Union No. 630. All workers in theaters, playhouses and motion pictures; and other places of amusement and recreation. Hotel, Restaurant and Building Service Workers’ Industrial Union No. 640. All workers in hotels, restaurants. taverns, etc. and all workers engaged in building services etc. Park and Highway Maintainance Workers’ Industrial Union No. 650. All workers engaged in street cleaning, in parks, and on street crossings. General Distribution Workers’ Industrial Union No. 660. All workers engaged in general distribution, department stores; Packers, drivers, clerks, salesmen, etc. Public Service Workers’ Industrial Union No. 670. All workers engaged in municipal, water and electric supply service; waterworks, public service works, power, etc. Transcribed by J. D. Crutchfield from a photocopy of the original in the I. W. W. archives at the Reuther Library, Wayne State University, with grateful acknowledgment. From : Marxists.org Events : ---------------------------------- I.W.W. Manual of Instruction for Job Delegates -- Added : January 20, 2021 I.W.W. Manual of Instruction for Job Delegates -- Updated : January 06, 2022 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://revoltlib.com/