Glossary of French Terms -------------------------------------------------------------------- People : ---------------------------------- Author : Prosper-Olivier Lissagaray Translator : Eleanor Marx Text : ---------------------------------- Arrondissements — The 20 administrative districts, each with a mayor, into which Paris was divided. Brassardiers — Arm-band wearers. Cantiniere — Canteen woman attached to each battalion. Catafalques — Decorated coffins used in funeral processions. Chassepots — An early type of rifle. Code Napoleon — The French legal code upholding bourgeois property and rights drawn up under Napoleon I but still the basis of the French legal system. Corps Legislatif — Legislative Assembly. Enceinte — The wall around the old city of Paris. Faubourgs — Suburbs. Feuilles-de-route — Travel document issued to a soldier giving the route to be followed and destination, and used for passing from one army unit to another. Franc-tireurs — Irregular soldiers. Gallicans — The Church faction which wanted the independence of the Church in France and questioned the appointment of bishops. (Cf. Ultramontanes below.) Girondists — The right wing of the Revolution in 1793, opposed by the Jacobins. Hôtel-de-Ville — The central town hall of Paris. Lettres de cachet — The famous order by which the monarchs of the old regime could have people imprisoned indefinitely in the Bastille or other prisons. Levée en masse — The general mobilization of the populace for battle. Mairie — Town hall of each arrondissement. Montagnards — A name for the Jacobins — the left wing of the bourgeois revolution — deriving from the high benches they occupied in the revolutionary assembly of 1791-2. Octrois — Local taxes levied at the city limits. Pekin — Term for civilian used by the military. Procureur de la République — Public Prosecutor. Pupilles de la Commune — Orphans — largely of men who had died in the fighting — who were taken care of by the Commune. Rappel — The call to arms. Rurales — Provincials. Sbirri — Police thugs. Sergents-de-ville — Municipal police. Tabellionat — Scriveners (a category of members of the legal profession). Tirailleurs — Riflemen. Turcos — Algerian units of the French army, so called by the Russians in the Crimean War who took them for Turks. Ultra-montanes — Church faction which looked to Rome. Vareuse — Cross-fastening jacket. From : Events : ---------------------------------- Glossary of French Terms -- Added : January 17, 2021 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :