Capitalist Conspiracy in Idaho

Untitled Anarchism Capitalist Conspiracy in Idaho

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Image::1 The American people, and especially the working class, do not seem to realize the importance of and the class interest involved in the arrest of Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone. If these, our brothers in labor’s cause, are to be saved from the gallows, there must be a tremendous amount of agitation carried on. Money must be raised, and lots of it, for their defense. The working class must be made aware of the long fight between the Mine Owners’ Association and the Western Federation of Miners, and shown the connection between this struggle and these arrests.

Anarchists cannot afford to be backward in this matter. Many of us have passed through the awful ordeal and know what anguish it is to those men and their families. If there is not to be another slaughter like that of twenty years ago in Chicago, systematic agitation must go steadily forward from now on.

While on my trip in the East, I propose to do my share in arousing the people to a realization of the infamy of the conspiracy. I shall address mass-meetings upon this subject.

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