Untitled >> Anarchism >> 2009 Northeast APOC Conference Mission Statement

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No doubt in the days since we last gathered together as APOC (Autonomous / Anarchist / Anti-Authoritarian People of Color), much has changed for each of us. We’ve each experienced new joys and grieves, up and downs. Across the vastness of this metropolitan wasteland, new bonds have been built, old bonds strengthened. In surviving, even thriving against the transgressions perpetrated by those who would see us torn apart, we’ve developed both as individuals and as a movement.

Still problems persist. Despite our best efforts, our most spirited resistance, we remain oppressed. Native land remains occupied, its people marginalized, their culture appropriated and left to die. Zionists, backed by other Western powers, continue their genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people. Gentrification continues to invade our neighborhoods. Police, ever vigilant in their protection of the ruling class, remain a brutal force separating us from our freedom. The rich still control the means of production, while the rest are exploited, forced into wage-slavery, prisons, and graves. The all-pervasive system of patriarchy still looms over and surrounds womyn, while their bodies remain battle grounds. Queers and transfolk still face violence, bashings and murders in a world hostile to all but the established norms. Billions of animals remain enslaved in chains, tanks, cages, and barns, subject to all manner of exploitation. This year, as before, the struggle continues.

Revolution, if it is to succeed, requires a coordinated, comprehensive network of dedicated revolutionaries. Of course, APOC has existed for some time now. However, we have not thus far been able to create and maintain a form suitable to our needs. Many times have we converged, many times have we expressed a desire for something more consistent. It is clear to many that what we need is an autonomous organization of sorts, perhaps many. Our intention is to make this happen.

This August, we converge upon Philadelphia, the disgusting home to the bombing of the MOVE Organization, the framing of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the capture of Russell Shoatz, the framing of the MOVE 9, and the murder of Erica Keels. As we share our stories, our experiences, our ideas, our visions, we will come to understand and respect each other as individuals and make build our community as a whole. Let our resolve and our rage give rise to not just a tendency but a united force with which to cast off the chains that bind us all.

Love and Liberation,
APOC Philly

The 2009 Northeast APOC Conference will be held in Philadelphia, PA from Thursday, August 6 – Sunday, August 9.

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